3k hype

1.1K 24 7

3k... That's fucking insane. 3000 people have read my work. How is that possible. Also I met grace helbig today so I'm showing you my whole face it went out of focus as my camera is really bad.

So now I remember when I first got wattpad on my old account. I changed mf name so many times before I wrote my sidemen one shot book but that wasn't the first thing I posted. I tried to write a story that I never updated and ended up deleting it. I tried a lot and was never able to get reads or stick to it. Now I've been updating more regularly than my once a week plan. I feel as if I owe it to you guys.

You don't know how much it means to me people are enjoying my work and that makes me happy. I would like to talk to as many of you as I can do message me sometime.

I would like to give another huge shoutout to the amazing MoonDuskIndustries for the amazing art and giving me some amazing ideas for this book. I love you.

I'm also thinking about doing a Q&A so if I get enough questions I will. I feel as if you don't know me all too well and I've been asking you questions.

Thanks again and one quick question how has you day been? Mines been great.

Realises I made a typo and put own instead of owe. Sorry.

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