It's me Vikkstar123

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I lay on my bed scrolling down the comments of the how to minecraft I just posted when I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I shout, when the door opens I see Simon standing their in just joggers, "Hey."

"I missed you." He whispered coming over and sitting on my feet.

"Well I'm back now."

"Are you busy?" He asked.

"Well I really should be streaming in about five minuets, "Why."

"I have something planned."

"Have you now." I locked my phone, threw it on the bed and sit up with Simon still sitting on my feet, our faces were almost touching.

"Yeah it's going to be fun." He shuffles closer so now our noses are pressed together and our eyes and locked, "A lot of fun."

Not knowing if I want to kiss him or move away I stay silent unable to move.

"Sounds like a idea?" Simon whispered and I leant back laying down again.

"After I stream."

"Come on Vikk." He stops sitting on my feet and instead sits on my properly so I can't move, "It will be fun."

"Simon you know how much I want too." I try to shuffle out from under him but I can't move, "Simon."

"Okay." He leans down kisses my check and climbs off of me.

I get off my bed and sit at my desk, "Grab a chair and you can join me. "

"Alright." He walks out the room and I start to set up my stream, after a few minuets Simon comes back in my room with a chair that he pulled up next to me.

"I'm gonna tweet something out quick." I quickly tweet I will be streaming in a few minuets and mention that Simon would be joining me.

"You better be quick with this." Simon muttered just before I started my stream.

"I will end it earlier if you wish." I started the stream, "Hello guys i will just wait for people to get in."

"Just start it Vikk I don't have all day." Simon laughed and I rolled my eyes at him."
"3,2,1..." I say, "Hey guys it's me Vikkstar123..."


"Now thanks to everyone here in ten stream sorry it's a short one I have some things to be attending to but tomorrow I will have a extra long one." I end the stream after half an hour of recording.

"Finally." Simon laughed, "You took your time."

"I was on for half an goo that wasn't long!"

"Yeah well I'm inpatient." Simon grabbed my chair and pushed it across the room, "And I've had something planned."

"I would like to know all about these plans of yours." I mutter already knowing what he wants to do.

"Oh Vikk you know." Pulling me up from the chair.

"Do I now." He pushes me down on the bed sitting on me so I can't move.

"You know exactly what I've been wanting to do since you came back."

He pulled my top over my head and I grabbed the back off his, "You know I still got to edit."

"Well we are going to need to be quick then."


I'm confused.

As soon as me and Simon were done he had to rush off to record with Josh, so I just lay here hurting all over. Being with Simon messes up my head. Distorts my thoughts, I never know what's real and what's not. All I know is this isn't love, well I don't think it is.

Simons always said no strings attached and I was fine with that... Until now.

Do I want this to continue?

Not really.

Do I want things to be the same as before?


Would I like to be more than friends?

I have no idea.

Everything that's happened since new year has left me confused and hurt. I'm not sure what I think anymore.

Authors note

Yeah so Simon and Vikk fucked... Idek what to put here.

Why am I listening to a one direction song... I hate one direction.

Oh and I did get caught but I'm not in trouble just I need a meeting with two teachers. Sometimes having a lot of mental health problems isn't the worse thing in the world although I would give anything for the depression to go away.

That's it I guess hope you enjoy.

You worked out who I am?

I kinda want to see if anyone works it out and I'm just gonna update whenever but at least once a week.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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