The cute moments

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Art by the amazing MoonDuskIndustries

That's what I want with Simon. The cute moments. The fun memories but the only reason he did that was because I didn't want to do what he wanted. Baking cakes and building pillow forts it's not because he loves me. It's because he felt bad that I was upset. He wanted to cheer me up so he gets what he wants.

All I do is to please him. I love seeing Simon happy but it hurts because I don't know how he will react if I tell him. I'm doing everything I can to make Simon love me so if I ever do tell him maybe I won't get hurt.

Cakes and pillow forts were not what Simon signed up for. Easy sex nothing more nothing less. That's why he kept licking icing and cake off Vikk's face. Sure simon wanted to make him happy but he wanted his power more. He was surprised it didn't work and all he got out of it was a few kisses but that didn't mean Simon hated it.


I was editing a gta video when I hear my phone go off. I glance over at it and see it's a iMessage from Lachlan.

I know what ur doing wiv Vikk-Lachlan
What do u mean?-Simon
Everything that happened since new year I know it all-Lachlan

How does Lachlan know? I understand if it was one of the sidemen they could have put the pieces together but Lachlan.

Vikk called me up crying-Lachlan
Over what-Simon

I freeze for a second. When was this?


So I was the reason he was upset. It wasn't Ellie at all, he doesn't care about what happened with Ellie. It's me?

He loves you-Lachlan
No he don't this whole thing is for fun that's what is always been-Simon
He loves you-Lachlan

Does he really love me or is that just Lachlan trying to get me to stop. Lachlan and Vikk have a close freindship I wouldn't be surprised if he's just jealous.

he deserves better-Lachlan

Now I'm certain about it. Lachlan wants Vikk all to himself. I never thought Lachlan would though.

Look you have something irreplaceable so stop fucking around with his feelings-Lachlan

He doesn't love me. Of course he doesn't and anyway even if he did at least I know I have Vikk and nobody else can take him away from me.


Love isn't something Simon knows well. It's never something he's experienced. Sure he loves his family but that's not romantic love. Vikks never felt any sexual desires for anyone until Simon. If anyone can make Vikk feel like that then they must be pretty special... Even if they don't realise it yet.

Authors note

So Lachlan the voice of reason maybe he can make Simon realise he has the fucking best thing ever and should stop playing with vikks feelings.

Im the author and I hate Simon right now. Right I'm ripping your sticker off my PlayStation.

Okay back. Now my question is if the sidemen could film a video with any YouTuber who would you want it to be?

Also I have grace helbig today should I show you the selfie. I might scribble my face but I'm not sure.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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