Yeah baby i am

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Simon:When are you back?
Vikk:2 days y u missing me
Simon: yeah baby I am
Vikk:well ur gonna hav to wait
Simon:come back early
Vikk: nope
Simon: please
Vikk: 😂
Simon: hate u 🖕🏻
Vikk: 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻
Simon: why did you spam me with middle finger emojis
Vikk:wanted to
Simon:ur dumb
Vikk: coming from u
Simon: whatever see u when ur back
Vikk: Kk X

The whole time Vikk was away all he and Simon did was text yet Simon didn't tell Vikk about his date with Brittany or any of the others they planned.

Authors note

Another short but I ain't been caught yet but I'm not too sure. If they decided to look for me I'm screwed. I pray nobody snitches on me. It's kinda funny hearing people's phone convos and what they get up to. It's not as if I'm gonna snitch coz they can get me in trouble init.

Some girl is talking about getting stoned and drunk to her mate on the phone and told her mum they r going out.

Now a group of them and rolling joints when they should be in lesson.

Sorry if in the notes I start speaking in text speak I'm texting and writing it mixes together.

I was going to put this with the next chapter but that one is really long so early update instead. Thanks to @QueenOfComics for giving me the idea to do that.

Also my updates will be every Wednesday starting next week.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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