Who Simon had his eyes on

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When Simon said do it again sometime that's what he meant. For the next few weeks Vikk got random messages from Simon to go his room, Every time Vikk obeyed. When Vikk was slowly falling in love with Simon he didn't realise who Simon had his eyes on.

Simon was falling in love with a old friend called Brittany. Britt was a lovely girl, don't get me wrong, very pretty as well but she isn't what you would call very... Erm... Intelligent.

Authors note

It's really short I know but I'm using it to bring another point of view in. I don't really want to be like vikks PoV then Simons PoV. It will get annoying so every time I have a short chapter in 3rd person it's a PoV change from Vikk to Simon. (Or Simon to Vikk)

That's all and a lot of this is prewritten (maybe even all I haven't decided when I'm posting yet) and I don't even have a cover and this may not be the final name. It's currently called alone if your wondering and the original name (when I first came up with a idea.) was act like you love me. I'm going to stop taking now.

Comment if you want another update today.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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