When it all ended

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December 31st at 10 minuets to midnight was when Simon said to me about kissing him so I didn't have to enter the new year alone.

December 31st at midnight we kisses for the first time.

January 1st less than a minuet into the Ellie came and insulted me and Simon.

January 1st at around 3 in the morning me and Simon went to his room and had sex for the first time.

December 31st and January 1st used to be the best days of my life. Days that I enjoyed. Days that reminded me of fun. Now it's December 31st again and I'm not sure what to expect.

A year later it's about 10 minuets to midnight and I've ran up to my room. Nobody would realise I'm gone, they didn't expect me to leave my room so even if they did realise that would think it got too much. Not that anyone of them know the reason... Other than Simon.

Simon would know why I'm gone. He would notice I'm missing. I just hope he's distracted so he don't.

My new year plan was to find somebody new and start the new year with them. Not be in my room hiding.

"Vikk?" Simon pushes open my door and comes and sits next to me.


"I'm so sorry." Tears streaming down his face.


"So am I." I chocked.


I was in Simons arms and he was in mine. Once again I entered the new year with Simon but this time we wasn't kissing for a joke. We were crying in each other's arms whispering sorry.

"I love you simon." I joke between sobs, "I never stopped loving you."

"I love you Vikk." He sniffed, "I'm so sorry I used you."

"Last year was a mess."

"One good thing did come out of it." I kept my arms around Simon and he just held me tighter.

"This." My voice cracks.

"And I'm never taking you for granted again." He pulled away from the hug and attempted to wipe the tears from my face, "You mean everything to me and I'm never letting that go."

"We both fucked up pretty bad." I confess.

"Some shitty mistakes on both of our behalf." He agrees.

"We will never let that happen again."


However much last year hurt us both if I could go back in time I wouldn't change a thing.

Before Simon I never experienced sexual attraction. Before me Simon never experienced romantic attraction. I guess we were waiting for the right person to come alone.

Authors note

Scream! It's ended. Wow guys I can't believe I finished this. I'm so proud of myself.

What do you think of the ending?

Scream! It's done wow. I can't get over the fact it's completed.

What was your fav part from the whole story?

Mine probably was the cake and fort chapter. I'm a sucker for cute fluffy things.

I say I'm a sucker for cute fluffy things but I made Vikk and Simon suffer... A lot...

I'm also a slut for suffering.

This is 35 chapters long not including authors notes.

On the 19th of January 2016 at 6:26 pm I posted my first part to this book. Now on the 9th of March 2016 I'm ending it with 8k reads.

Thank you all.

Hugs, kisses and peace not for the last time.

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