I honestly don't know

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June 1st

The words play in my mind all day. I wonder what Simon meant by them.

'Me and Britt broke up.'

I remember his breath in on my face as his whispered them too me in the kitchen. I remember turning to face him and he being gone. I remember the looks he's been giving me all day. I remember him telling me he needs to talk.

I just don't know.

Do I want to go back to what we had? Do I care that it's only fun and on his terms?
Do I know what I want?

"Vikk." I look over and see Simon standing in my door smiling, "I need to talk to you."


He walks in the room and comes to sit next to me on the bed. His leg brushes against mine and his shoulder is touching mine. He could have say anywhere but he decided to get as close as possible to me. What does this mean?

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked shuffling away from him.

"Just a few things." I look at him to continue,"Well it's none of my business really but what are you and Ellie?"

"I don't really know I mean we are not dating or anything." I take a little pause, "But we are defiantly more than friends and I think Ellie does want to take it further."

"Do you?" I shrug my shoulders, "Why not?"


"I honestly don't know." I lie.

"Why did you kiss her then?" Why did I kiss her, I honestly don't know.

"Rush of them moment. I don't know." Happy with my response I sigh in relief.

"Did you want to kiss her?"

"I don't know I guess not..." Why is simon asking all these questions, "I have a question for you."


"Why are you asking me all of this?"

Simon stays silent and looks to his feet for a minuet before answering slowly, "I guess I wanted to know where things stand with you two."


"Because..." He stops again, "Don't worry about it."

"What is it simon." I demand knowing I'm unlikely to get the truth from him.

"I just don't want Ellie to hurt you again." I open my mouth to talk just as Simon starts again, "She can easily hurt you again so just don't get too attached."

"You don't know that." How can Simon say anything about me getting hurt and attached, after everything he done.

"Come on Vikk it's Ellie."

Authors note

I feel as if I should tell you more a about Ellie. I'm not sure.

If everything has gone to plan then I will be posting this on the week of my mocks. If I've probably been killed or something. Well it didn't I haven't even started revising yet.

Who's going summer in the city I am.

Also somethings about me I guess to help you work out who I am. So my name begins with S. I've met Dan and Phil twice, once at a book signing and once on their tour. I'm a Harry girl. I'm seeing 5sos and Troye Sivan this year. I've been excluded twice.

I'm not a good person 😂

Do you need any more clues on who I am.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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