We never had anything anyway

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"Simon." He looks at me not speaking, he hasn't spoke to me in days, ever since the thing with Ellie, "Talk to me your being childish now."

"I'm going out with Brittany." He snapped, "What we've been doing has to stop."

"Your really being childish."

"Just fuck off you're being annoying." He walked back into his room and slammed his door.

I slump down next to his door and sit their, "I'm sorry Simon."

"Fuck off we never had anything anyway!"


While Vikk was sitting outside the room trying not to cry Simon was sitting on his bed texting Brittany. He didn't really want to go out with her, they didn't have much in common but he realised Vikk was starting to get attached and needed him to know that they never will have anything more.

Simon was also annoyed at Vikk. Kissing Ellie in the car after everything that happened, Ellie was using him for money why couldn't Vikk see that.


"Vikk just go away." I open the door and see Vikk laying on the floor sleeping, "Wake up and go to your room."

He doesn't wake up so I just walk past leaving him.

"Where you going?" Josh asked as I put my shoes and coat on.

"A date with Britt." I think back to Vikk upstairs sleeping, "Vikks sleeping outside my door make sure he goes to bed."

"Alright. Have fun."

I walk out the door and get in my car ready to pick Britt up thinking about all the things he would rather be doing. Brittany is such a sweet girl I'm just not attracted to her in that way, I just need to stop what's been happening before Vikk falls in love.

Josh: what's wrong with Vikk he won't move
Simon: idk I'm out with Britt tho I can't be texting you
Josh: okay but he's refusing to move or talk idk what to do
Simon: idk then sorry Josh

Josh couldn't make Vikk move for the life of him. Vikk just lay their refusing to move. He wouldn't even tell josh what was wrong. Josh did all he could and even tried to drag him back to his room. In the end he gave up and just grabbed a blanket and gave it to Vikk who wrapped himself up in it not saying a word.

Why did I agree to this?

It's dumb.

Life's dumb.


Nothing was ever going to come out of what we were doing so why am I so upset. I'm just not sure what to do. Why did Simon get jealous? Maybe he was looking out for me. I mean I know what Ellie can be like so maybe he was making sure I don't get hurt anymore. What should I do?

Authors note

Double update guys.

Also I have mocks in two weeks so  you may not get a update until they are over but I'm working to get some prewritten for the next two weeks. Also somebody else who's read my none anom oneshot book is voting! It's really cool I may even post a update on their saying something like things have been happening im now anom come find me so keep an eye out for that.

I also have a broken phone I will explain more next time.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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