Im home

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"Guys!" I shout as I struggle to unlock the door, "I'm home!"

I drag my suitcase into the house with difficultly and closed the door when Simon appears at the top of the stairs.

"Vikk." He said smiling, "Your finally back."

"Yeah and I need to talk to you." I confess before I change my mind.

"Okay what is it."

"Is anyone else home?" He shock his head, "Well I think we should stop what we've been doing."

"What!" He said shocked, "Why?"

"I don't think it's a good thing."

"Please Vikk..."

"Sorry Simon." I interrupted and pushed passed him and bumped my case up the stairs, all while he stood their in shock.

Vikk didn't want to end it. Not at all but he had to do what was right for him. He knew Simon didn't love him back so why should he put himself though all that pain. He will get over Simon with enough to time away from him and away from him doesn't mean in his bed.


What can I do?

Vikk ended it. I knew he would but I need to tell him how I feel. What if he don't love me anymore? What would I do then? Did I leave it too late?

Maybe I should just tell him what's the worse that could happen?

Well he could reject me and I fall into a deep hole of sadness and depression that's hard to escape and end up dying.

(But this is a fanfic and we all know that never happens Vikks going to love you back and you get married and adopt kids)

That would be bad but Vikk loved me you don't just get over feeling like that. Do you? I wouldn't know I've never been in love before.

"Vikk!" I shout running after him.

"I'm not changing my mind Simon."

"It's not that it's just..." I pause trying to find the words, "I've never felt love before and I think I love you. I'm sorry I used you and everything."

Vikk laughed and turned around, "Nice try Simon I'm not falling for it that easily."

Vikk walked away leaving me once again standing in shock. It wasn't meant to happen that way.

(Oh wait it happened opps)

Why do I fuck everything up it would be easier if I just disappear. I would hurt less people.

I walk past Vikks room drying my eyes. When I heard him on the phone to who I can only assume is Lachlan. I know I shouldn't listen yet I have to.

"I can't believe it."
"Yeah I did tell him."
"He said he loved me."
"It can easily be a lie."
"I wish it wasn't but Simon don't feel love so we all know it's a way to keep me. Like that's not happening."
"Of course I still love him but it better if we stop."
"You know I don't."
"That's right."
"Okay see you."

I sneaked away from the door and went to my room hoping he didn't notice me. It's all my fault I drove Vikk away. I lost him.

Authors note

I really like this chapter for some reason. I'm just planning on destroying the ship to be honest. I like drama.

Hugs, kisses an peace ✌🏻️

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