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"Can we talk about this please?" I stormed though the door and ignored Simon, "Look Vikk."


"Vikk I know it's all my fault and I'm sorry." Simons face was full of emotions, I see tears in his eyes and his voice cracks as he talks, "It's all me I'm just trying to fix things. I want to make everything better."

"I just want to forget." I lie.

"You don't Vikk." He whispered, "I know when your lying. I don't know what you want but forgetting isn't what it is."

"Nothing's changing."

"Can you promise me one thing?" He asked.

"Depends." I won't promise Simon anything.

"Next time you go out can I come with you?" I look at him in shock, "To make sure that your safe."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." I don't want Simon getting hurt for me, that's why I didn't leave the park."

"It's all I ask." A few tears roll down his face, "Please it's one thing."

I shake my head.

"One little thing. I know your going to go again so at least let me with you so you don't end up killing yourself."

"If you tell anyone else I will drop kick you into the sun." I walk upstairs coughing as I attempt to run.

"Thank you."


The next few weeks Vikk went out less and less. Every time Simon went with him. Vikk ended up going out once a week at most by new year. He didn't want Simon seeing him a mess. He didn't want Simon to be hurt by his actions.

It took a while to realise completely that its wasn't Simons fault. It was his own.

Authors note

So yeah I finished that chapter. So what do you think about Simon going with Vikk every time?

This story will probably be coming to a end soon.

Also if updates slow down its for two reasons. One is I'm starting to work on a few other story's so when this ends I will be publishing another one. Number two is I'm finding it hard to write on my meds. I'm not sure why sometimes I can a lot better but like right now I can't even think what to put in the authors note.

Anyway starting tomorrow I will be on slightly stronger meds so I'm not too sure how i will be like on them. I will keep you updated on that.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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