I need a break

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Are once again by the one and only MoonDuskIndustries

Walking around with Simon has been strange for a while, ever since new year.  Today was no exception. A awkward day out pretending we had nothing, come home give Simon a quick blowjob then go to my room to edit. You know what normal friends do.

I need a break from all of this.

I need to get away-Vikk
Go on then-Lachlan
I have no were 2 go-Vikk
Come visit me-Lachlan
R u sure that's okay-Vikk
Yeah u need a break and it would be best if you get far away-Lachlan
Okay if your sure I will come for a week-Vikk
Okay get ur tickets and tell me all the details-Lachlan
Thank you so much-Vikk

I got on my laptop and book a return ticket to Australia for this Wednesday. Only two days wait. After printing them I decide to go and tell Simon the news.

"Can I come in?" I ask.


"I'm leaving for Australia in two days" I tell him and see the look of shook appear on his face, "I'm visiting Lachlan for a week."

"Why?" He asked.

"A break."

"Okay have fun then." Have fun is that all he's going to say, after everything that he's done.

"I will." My temper starting to rise I leave his room.


Simon was not happy at all about Vikk leaving him. What will Simon do for the next week? He doesn't want to be alone. What if Vikk gets hurt? What if Vikk realises that Simon isn't worth it?

Simon wished he could change Vikks mind but he already knew Vikk was going whatever was said.

Authors note

Another short one but I have mocks and just need to get one finished to post this week. Sorry to disappoint.

I'm still needing questions for the Q&A.

Also I've been tagged in a Q&A thing so I will do that soon. Maybe tonight

Its Tuesday and I've done my maths mock so updates should be good again.

Now my question to you is what's your fav ship with Simon in.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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