The others are out

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February 25th

Simon: hey Britt
Britt: hey 💖
Simon: wanna meet sometime I haven't seen you since New Year
Britt: sure what were you planning
Simon: movie then maybe come mine the others are going out
Britt: love too when?
Simon: pick you up at 7 u still live at the same place right
Britt: yeah and don't be late 💖

Simon smiled locking his phone. He now has a few hours to spare before picking Britt up. All the others are going cinema and Vikk was on holiday with the pack.


I knock on the door of Brittany's parents house as she hasn't moved out yet and she opens it. Her brown hair is half curled and she has no makeup on.

"Sorry I thought I would be ready by now." She apologised, "Come in I won't be too long."

"It's fine." Out of all the talents Britt has time management isn't one.

I take my trainers off and push them to the side with my foot before following Britt up to her room.

"Sorry again." She laughed while curling her hair.


"That was a really good movie." I said as we walked out the cinema, we just saw hunger games part two.

"Yeah it was." Britt checked her phone.

"Should we grab something to eat then go back to my place?" I asked.

"I would love too."

Authors note

Sorry it's a short chapter guys I just needed a little of Simons PoV in their it's important only.

As of writing this i'm sitting in the school toilets when I should be in maths... I walked out. I'm gonna stay here till 3 and see what happens. Don't take advice from me I'm a bad person.

My phone is hidden by my coat so if I get in trouble and they want my phone they don't know if I have it.

Let's hope I don't get caught although they are probably looking for me.

Cleaner came in if I'm caught u will know next chapter lol. That's what I'm writing right now.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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