I dont trust myself

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"Vikk are you going out tonight?" I ask as Vikk puts his shoes on, "Vikk?"

"Just the shops." He muttered, "You coming?"

"It's fine promise you will right back." Maybe I should trust Vikk, then he will realise I'm not trying to control him again.

"Can you please." He whispered.

"Sure." I said confused, "Why?"

"Because I wouldn't go if I went alone." He started playing with the yellow sidemen wristband he started wearing the day I first went out with him, I'm not sure why he refuses to take it off now.

"Okay Vikk give me five minuets." I went up stairs and got my black vans and put a sidemen clothing hoodie on.

"Thank you for this." Vikk's voice was weak, "I don't trust myself."

"I trust you."

He ignored me and unlocked the door shivering as the cold air hits us.

"You might need this." I said passing him his coat.


We walked in silence for a few minuets before Vikk decided to say, "Why did you do everything for me?"

"Why do you think?"

"You said you love me." He muttered, "Do you really?"

"Yes Vikk. I honestly do and I would do anything to make you see I do."

"I guess." He muttered and we walked the rest of the way in silence.

Vikk was thinking. About what Simon said, why would Simon go this far trying to make him realise it was love if it was all fake? He would have given up by now. Yet he stayed by Vikks side though it all.

Boxing Day with the sidemen he didn't leave his room. Vikk locked himself away only caring about YouTube. He left his room for showers and food only. He went to see Bee one more time alone then stopped.

The day before New Year's Eve Vikk decided to stop locking himself away and face everything that happened.

Was it because it was almost a whole year since it all started?

Vikk doesn't know but he does know it's time to go with his heart.

Authors note

Its nearly ended. I really do hope you guys are enjoying this because I worked hard on this. Also consistent updates. One a week minimum was hard to keep up with at first but by the end I was doing more than one a week! I'm really proud.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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