Make you forget

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Credit to MoonDuskIndustries for the art.

"What do you want Simon." I walk in his room and he's sitting on his bed on Twitter.


"What stuff?" I ask.

"I'm bored." He smiled.

"Are you now." The expression on my face completely blank and my voice dull.

"Are you okay Vikk?" He asked looking concerned, "Has anything happened?"

"Nothing new." I shrug, well it is true nothing new has happened.

"Sit down tell me what's wrong."

"Stuff." I mutter, "And anyway you wanted to talk what was that about?"

"Don't worry about it and is the thing with Ellie bothering you?"

I went over and sat next to him on the bed deciding if I should lie about it, "I guess so..."

"I can make you forget." He traces his finger around my neck and down to my chest before I shake my head.

Not now, I'm confused enough already. How does Simon do this to me? I never feel anything but around Simon im a mess. This has never happened before.

"Alright then. Do you want to make a cake or something?" He asked.

"Sure." What harm can come from a little bit of cooking and I get a cake out of it.


"I get to lick the bowl." I said as Simon put the cake in the oven.

"But that's the best part." He whined as I started licking out the inside of the bowl.

"Well it's mine." I laugh and he takes a step closer to me and runs his finger around the rim of the bowl, "I licked that you know."

"Yep." He smiled, "You have cake on your nose"

I go to wipe it off when Simon pushed my hands down away from my face and licked it off my nose. I feel my face going red.

"I didn't get it all." He grinned seeing how red I must have been and did it again slower this time, "Okay it's gone now and let's make a pillow fort while the cake cooks."

I wipe my noes again, "Sure."

When we nearly finished the fort the timer went off indicating that the cake was ready, "I will get it out you finish the fort."

I scurry out into the kitchen and take the hot cake out the oven and start searching the cupboards for stuff to decorate it with. I didn't notice Simon watching me until he rested his head on my shoulder as I found a packet of mini marshmallows.

"Its done." He whispered and covers my eyes, "Your not aloud to see the fort right away it's a surprise."

"We need to do the cake first." He takes his hands from my face and starts hugging me from behind instead.

"Do it then."

"Your helping then" getting the cake out the tin.

Simon dips his finger in the butter cream and wipes it over my face. I turn around still in his arms.

"Are you being serious." I giggle when he starts licking it off my face, "Simon."

He giggled and did it again, "It's fun."

"We need to put that on the cake though."

"Fine." He huffed.


"Now I can surprise you." He covered my eyes, "Come on."

"What about the cake?" I ask.

"I will bring it in after." Walk forward slowly, "To the right a bit. No more left. Okay stop."

He uncovers my eyes to show me our pillow fort, "Yay."

"Get in while I get the cake."

I climb in the pillow fort careful not to knock anything it over.

"Theirs extra icing left as well." Simon shouted.

"Bring it in!"

"Okay." He comes in the room balancing the cake in one hand and a half empty bowl of icing in the other.

Simon hands me the cake and then climbs in the pillow fort with the butter cream.

"Why are you being all cute?" I ask when we are eating a slice of the cake.

"I want to cheer you up." He said, "You have icing on your nose again."

I wipe it off before he got to it, "Have you got some weird icing kink or something?"

"No I just like it." He laughed putting some more on his finger, "Would you protest to me doing it again."

"Not in the slightest." I laugh and he rubs icing all over my lips and I decide to do it back to him.

Simon grins before he kisses me even when all the icing is gone we keep kissing. We pull apart.

"The icing doesn't taste as good as your lips."

Authors note

Simon may seem all cute and fluffy right now but what was the real motive behind it all.

I mean come on we all know Simon by now I mean he smiled with Vikk crying in his arms, he wouldn't have done all this out the kindness of his heart. Simon may care about Vikk but he's also really selfish. Also MoonDuskIndustries drew some amazing art work for when Vikk was crying to Simon. It's really good so be sure to check them out.

I'm also going to grace helbig tomorrow and I'm staying over my friends house so I don't know when I can update so here's one.

Now question time.

What are your fav bands/singers

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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