I want to call lachlan

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Art by MoonDuskIndustries ily

2:30 in the morning and I'm alone. Bee had to leave so she wasn't too late for work.

3:00 in the morning and I'm in the park alone. I want to call Lachlan and tell him what's wrong but he wouldn't care. Why would he care I'm the one doing this to myself not Simon. Me.

I'm the one who let Simon use me. I'm the one who agreed to it all I'm the one who ended it. Not Simon me. This is all my fault. Now all I can do is hope I forget.

It all started new year with a kiss as a joke. That kiss became more and that more became a regular thing. I agreed to it all.

I shiver, the cold September air freezing my fingers to the bench.

New year is coming up and I will most likely be entering. One of the things I hate. I'm sure I could enter it with bee but I would much rather with Simon. The one person who I can.

I'm just going to go home and try to forget this all never happened. Two more months and it's a fresh start for us all.

Me and Simon can go back to friends until out feelings for each other go away. It's just a matter of time. Time heals all wounds?

Authors note

It's the chapter that I said about in the description. See I care about the little details. Also someone may be coming back to make a appearance.

My phone batt is going down so fast dumb trouble making me have to be on my phone coz I'm bored.

At least I'm out of here at lunch so like two hours. I just need to get though 10 more mins 12 times.

So double update today. Cahms tomorrow were they are talking about if I need meds ect. I cry.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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