I don't need him

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What am I going to do. I can't keep it in any longer. I need to tell someone. Who though?

I look out my window and watch theraindrops running down the pane of glass just like the ones down my face. What have I done?

Lachlan's right I don't deserve him. He wasn't jealous at all, he was trying to help. Now Vikk's going to realise he deserves more than me. I just hope he will forgive me.


Vikk was glad for the break. He needed time to bring his thoughts together. Store things away in the back of his mind where they can't bother him any longer.

He misses Simon but he realised he needed time away. He needed to think. He needs it bad.

"What are you thinking about?" Lachlan asked breaking me from my thoughts.

"Oh nothing."

"Don't lie to me you were biting your lip." He smiled, "You always do that when your thinking."

"Just about everything that's happened recently." I said, "I'm going back in two days I guess I'm thinking about what I'm going to do after."

"What are you?." I look up at the clear blue sky then back into Lachlan's eyes.

"I think I'm going to end it." I confessed, "He don't love me and I don't need him."

"As long as it's what you want."

"I honestly don't know what I want." I kick a stone over into the bush.

"If he's really wants you he wouldn't just let you go."

More wise words from Lachlan.

Authors note

Wow it looks like the roles have reversed. Simon now realised he loves Vikk just as Vikk lets go. Bad timing much.

I have cahms today so when I get back I will write but every time I go I end up coming out in tears. I hate the place.

I really want to get the next chapter out but it may not be until next week because I always have a extra chapter wrote before I post the one before. I haven't finished the one after that and may not have time for a few days. I will try though.

I think I have a extra lesson after school today.

Question time again so today's question is what's your fav song from an artists older albums?

So basically what's the best song that's off of somebody's album but not the latest one.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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