Just stuff

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Trigger warning-use of drugs

I snuck out. Simon asked me not to and I promised him wouldn't but here I am waiting on Brigit. (Vikks druggy "friend")

I know that simon isn't going to like it but what can he do about it.

"Vikk didn't expect you to be able to leave the house after last night." I hear a laugh and turn to see Bee a few steps away, "I mean you were completely stoned when I left you."

"I'm still hungover from the drinks I bought after." I laughed.

"Well I'm glad you can make it." She checked her bag, "Come on I'm going to meet some friends before hand don't do anything dumb."

"Should I just stay quiet?" I asked not wanting to fuck anything up.

"That would be best."

"That wasn't too hard." Bee said as I accept the joint she handed me.

"Not at all." She lights it for me, "I've been needing this so fucking badly."

"Really?" She asked, "Why?"

"Just stuff with this guy." Wanting to forget.

"Tell me you can get it out then it's easier to forget trust." She paused and took a long drag of the joint in her hand before blowing it at my face, "Wait are you gay or something. I've always wanted a gay best friend."

"To be honest I don't even know." I sigh then tell her everything that's happened.

"Holy shit I've had some bad relationships but yours tops it all." She laughed, "No wonder you need this shit."

We stand their smoking in silence for a few minuets.

"You know if you want I can try take your mind off things."

"It can't make things worse so why not." I mean it's not as if I have Simon to do it for me anymore.

"Come on I know a place."

Authors note

So bee is fucking Vikk in a ally way some where... Did I break anyone's feels. Vikk and bee are drug buddies.

Well I'm in trouble right now on my phone when I'm meant to hand it in. I have it behind a book and have a pen in my hand so when I type it looks like I'm writing.

So yeah I'm not sure when I can publish this because my mate ain't around to let me use her hotspot. Hopefully when I get home I can.

Out of trouble now and assembly is about imagination. I have imagination I write gay fan fiction.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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