What was she doing here

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"Thank you so much for this." I say again as Ellie stops at the sidemen house.

"It's no problem Vikk."

"Really I'm grateful." I was a about to get out the car when I had a idea, "Would you like to come in?"

"I should be getting home thanks though."

I feel Ellie's lips on mine slowly kissing me. I kiss her as she puts her hands around my neck and tugged on my hair. Ellie was a good kisser, a great kisser but their was the thing I felt with Simon. The butterfly's weren't their.

"I should be going." She muttered as we broke away, "See you sometime."

"Bye Ellie." I waved as she drove off.

As soon as I opened the door I was greeted with Simon standing their with his arms crossed and a angry expression on his face, "What was she doing here."

I froze in the door way.

"Why the fuck did your ex drive you home from a party kiss you then leave?"

"I wanted to leave and she offered to drive me home." I said pushing the door shut.

"Why did you kiss?" I look at him unable to read his thoughts.

"Why does it matter?" I asked, "It's not as if we are anything."

"It matters." Simon rubbed his eyes, "I don't know why it just matters."

"Are you crying?"

"No!" He snapped, "I haven't slept so I'm tired."

Authors note

Short and a bit of a filler chapter but I have a idea and I'm rolling with it.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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