Chapter 6- That Candyfloss Was Just Envious of Me

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Carter drove in silence for a while, whilst I occupied myself by fascinating over our surroundings.

At night, everything seemed to be just more beautiful. I couldn't help but be enthralled with the lights of buildings and houses lighting up the darkness, twinkling around the car like makeshift stars leading the way. It was almost as if, at night, every single colour and piece of beauty in things was amplified.

I supposed driving at night provided a sense of calmness, since everyone was asleep besides for some rebellious teens partying until the sun rise at dawn, of course. However, I think I'd always been calmed by night drives, as whenever my family went on road trips, I always found myself staring at the night sky through the car window, lost in a day dream.

Everything was different at night, as the quiet allowed you to bask in the serenity whilst you could. I must admit, sitting in the car next to Carter, with the car's heater keeping us comfortably warm, was clearing my head. The spectacular view of the city was distracting me as the car climbed up the steady, winding roads, north towards the countryside, giving us a spectacular view of the town with the buildings and houses below all lit up. I was too fascinated by this scene, that I almost didn't hear Carter talking to me.

" to Branwen, can you hear me?"

"Hm?" I replied absent minded, not really paying attention.

"Are you even listening to me, Raisin Bran?"

"What's that?"

Carter nudged me and I stopped staring out the window. "Okay, okay! I'm listening now, what's up?"

He glanced over at me and smirked. "About time. Anyway, I asked why aren't you talking?"

Um, maybe because I was admiring the view and was exhausted? Instead of saying this, though, I simply stated, "well, why aren't you talking?"

"Because I'm driving," Carter looked over at me and tapped his hands on the steering wheel for emphasis. I scoffed.

"Well, you won't be driving for much longer if you don't keep your eyes on the road."

He looked at me again, hiding a smirk. "Smart arse."

"Besides, I'm sure you're used to multitasking by now. You know, with all the girls you mess around with."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, messing it up a bit so a stray curl landed on his forehead. Without looking at me, he grudgingly said, "so, you heard then?" The way he said it was more like a statement, though, which it was really. Practically everyone knew about his womaniser reputation, I was just one of the few who wasn't looped into this information. Most likely because I tried to stay away from gossip, hence my annoyance at Carter for not being there for me when the rumours started spreading around at my school after I met him.

"Do you not recall me telling you I had a shit week because of you? Because I think I can."

He let out another sigh, this time louder. "I'm sorry about that, by the way." Carter replied quietly.

I leant forward, placing a hand on the sleek, matte black dashboard of his car. "Was it the same for you, or not? After all, I don't see how I could have caused you any problems considering you asked for my number." I said pointing to myself as I slouched back on the black leather seat, snuggling into his hoodie. By now, the car was warm enough, so the heat had been turned down, leaving a gentle humming around us. Carter rounded some bends then pulled over and parked his car, leaving us point blank in the middle of the countryside in a random, grass field.

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