Chapter 11- I'm at a Carnival, Mum- I'm Riding So Many Things

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The past four weeks went by in a blur, consisting of weird stares and questions about what had happened to me. This together, coupled with pity, left me fighting not to tear my hair out, for I could not bare having people pretend to care about me. Plus, having to repeat myself to everybody multiple times was extremely tiring.

I was attacked. I got strangled. I passed out.

However, no matter how many times Rowan and I interrogated River about how he found out I was in the hospital, and why he visited me, we couldn't drive an answer out of him. Thus, we were left back at square one, in which I was no longer bothered about because I had just accepted I wouldn't get any answers, and moved on.

"I still don't understand this chemistry homework," Rowan groaned in my ear. "Please tell me you don't understand it either, because right now I'm feeling like I have a plum for a brain."

"Nope, I don't get it either." I rolled to the other side of my bed and checked my phone for the hundredth time. However, as usual, there were no new messages.

"You do realise he isn't going to message you, right?" She teased as I rolled my eyes.

"It's starting to look that way," and it was, because within those four weeks of my recovery, I hadn't heard a word from Carter, even when I texted him saying my neck brace had been removed.

"Maybe it's for the best," I shot Rowan a glare, "or maybe it's not" she added sceptically. "But, Branwen, you know what I mean. Our school and his school clash, they don't get along. ¡No nunca siempre. You don't want to get caught up in that."

"So, you're basically saying that somebody from Ross Academy and somebody from Carmichael High can never be friends?" I asked in disbelief. I found this ridiculous, because why should whatever school you go to brand you as different and then dictate who you can and cannot talk to? Carter and I got along; at that moment in time, I considered him an actual friend. "He visited me in hospital, Rolo, I think it's possible to befriend people outside of our school's social circle." I said, with a roll of my eyes.

"But, is he really your friend?" She glanced up from the homework she was currently doing on my bed, and glanced towards my phone.

This stalled my tongue, and then my mind was filled with doubt. If Carter was my friend, surely I would have heard from him? He visited me in hospital for Christ's sake! That must show he cared, right? But then again, maybe he didn't like to be seen with girls who didn't look their best. That was for certain on my behalf, as I still had some faded bruising around my neck, and my appearance wasn't exactly the cleanest and tidiest because I still couldn't turn my head fully to brush my hair, or to do buttons on the back of my shirts. This resulted in messy, messy buns dumped on top of my head, and me strolling around in sport shirts, leggings and joggers, whenever I wasn't at school.

"He has to be," I replied sadly, fiddling with a hair band I had around my right wrist, "how can he care one day, and not the next?"

Rowan looked at me with empathy, as she had gone through boy problems so many times, herself. Being half Brazillian, she was completely gorgeous with her full, long, dark glossy hair and olive complexion. Coupled with her curves, long legs and dark brown eyes, practically every boy drew to her like metal to a magnet, making her an expert in their department.

"You know, it has always been Carter to make the first move, right? Why don't you take charge for a change, and you contact him?"

"I already did, I told him I got my neck brace off, and he didn't answer me."

Rowan smiled, showing her perfect pearly whites, and her eyes glowed with amber from mischief.

"Oh, hunny, take it from me, a boy doesn't want to be updated like he's a doctor, he wants to be updated like he's a partner. Just tell him how you feel." She practically purred before shrugging her shoulders as if the solution was completely obvious.

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