Chapter 26- The Wicked Witch of the West

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The school weeks were whizzing on by when I got a call from my dad.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, baby, I haven't seen you in ages! How do you feel about coming down for the weekend?"

My dad lived in Wiltshire, so he was just over two hours away via car.

"Sure." I said. Honestly, my dad may not be the best person ever, but he was still my dad, and I loved him.

"Okay great, great. Will August be coming too?"

"I'm not too sure, I'll ask her when I get home. I've just finished school."

"Oh right, of course. Well- send my love to Angus."

"Will do, love you."

"Love you too, bye."


August agreed to go with me to our dad's, so on Thursday night we packed a suitcase each and then Friday evening he picked us up.

"Angus! Come her buddy, I haven't seen you for ages."

Angus cautiously walked over to our dad and gave him a hug. My parents split when he was just a few months old, so he hasn't grown up with our dad, like August and I. My mum brought him up from a baby on her own, so he'd never spent a night without her.

"I don't suppose you will be joining the girls? It's about time you came down, they did at your age."

He shuffled his feet around, looking at the ground.

"I don't want to go." He murmured quietly.

August and I were putting our suitcases into the car boot as he said this.

"No? And why's that?"

"He just isn't ready to spend a night away from mum, you know? He just needs more time." I intervened.

My dad nodded, but I could tell he was annoyed. He handed Angus a ten pound note before ruffling his hair and saying goodbye.


We got to our dads by eight in the evening, and August and I had just put our suitcases in our room (we shared one there) when our dad and step mum came up.

"So, we're away to go down to the pub. Would you like to come?"

August and I exchanged a look.

"No thanks, I'll stay here." She said, getting her laptop out to do some animations.

"Same here." I said, sitting on my bed and getting my phone out my pocket.

"Charming. You come down for the weekend, but won't spend time with your dad." Our step mum bit in. You don't need to know her name, but we called her the Wicked Witch of the West.

If our dad wanted to spend time with us, he would prioritise it over necking five pints down at the pub?

I so badly wanted to say that, but instead I put a smile on my face and looked at her long, ugly nose. "We're tired. We'll spend time with him tomorrow."

She scoffed, but he told her to leave it and they both went downstairs and out the door.

"I wonder where the boys are." August said.

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