Chapter 21- My Mother Did Not Call Me a White Breast, Thank You Very Much!

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Chapter 21- My Mother Did Not Call Me a White Breast, Thank You Very Much! | Competition Day

When the annual Coventry Winter National Athletics Competition event came around, it was tradition for any school who had a pupil competing to attend, dressed in the school colours for support. Thankfully, due to the unruly British weather, they had decided to put the dome cover on over the sporting arena, meaning I didn't have to sit there shivering my ass off in layered clothing and a ski jacket. Instead, I was perfectly warm enough sitting amongst a sea of bodies, our section of the bleachers completely packed with a sea of black, turquoise and a hint of gold.

I had to admit, seeing my schools colours in such an abundance- with each individual wearing their own version of clothing, was completely awesome. Not to mention how we could clearly identify who belonged to each school, with the majority of the bleachers blocks sharply contrasting with one another in colour. My school, Ross Academy, were seated opposite Carmichael High, and even then there was tension in the air. Nobody seemed able to stop themselves from flashing the bird at one another or mouthing incoherent prophecies in the air. It was crazy, to say the least.

Rowan and I sat towards the back so we could have a better view and be away from Rosa and her clique. Particularly at these events, they got even bitchier. I found myself feeling horrifically sick with nerves, considering both Carter and River were both competing against each other. On one hand, I knew that for Carter this was everything he ever wanted, yet on the other hand I had personally seen how rigorously River had trained for this, and how serious he was about it.

Rowan gave my hand a squeeze. "Hey, you okay? You like a little green- and I don't think it's from the turquoise everyone is wearing in front of us."

I tried to give an awkward laugh, but had to stop myself because I felt a little sick come up my throat. "I'm so nervous."

Rowan gave me a small smile. "I would be too if Jack was competing. You know, try not to think about the outcome of today, okay? If he wins or loses, who cares? It's just a competition."

"The very competition that could completely change his life and get him sponsors to train professionally and perhaps even go pro." I said, dead pan.

"Bran, look it will be okay. From what I've heard, I don't think he needs to worry about university tuition that much."

I shook my head. "It's not that, it's just-." How was I supposed to explain that if Carter was to win this, he would have everything he ever wanted? Then there's River, who literally depends on performing his best to get these crucial sponsors. River is so dedicated to his sport, and sometimes it just seems like Carter isn't, so much.

Stop. How can I say that? I went weeks without seeing Carter due to his training, this clearly means as much to him as it does to River.

"Just?" Rowan urged.

I sighed. "I don't know, for the months I've been with Carter I've seen how dead set he was on getting into his best shape possible for this event. But then, with River, I actually trained with him. I've seen how reliant he is on this, how serious he is about it. I just... I hope they both get what they want, and that they both do well."

I could tell Rowan understood what I was saying. "I'm in the same boat here. On one hand, I want our school to whoop those Carmichael bitches asses! Then on the other, I'm worried about how Carter might take the blow if he doesn't win, Jack told me that he is so used to winning he doesn't take to second best too well."

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