Chapter 35- We Can Still Be Together

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Back to Branwen's POV


So, I followed through with my word to go with River to the movies. We went and watched some comedy/horror, which was actually quite funny.

We were in his car driving home when he spoke over the radio. "So, did you have fun?"

I think he knew the answer, but I said it to please him anyway. "Yes, actually, I did!" I grinned at him, making him flash a smile at me, too.

River was a very good-looking guy. There was once a time I even had a crush on him, then that faded. But looking at him, seeing how his face had matured into his sharp jawline and cheekbones, I couldn't believe I had forgotten to pay attention to him.

We pulled up into my street and he parked his car on the side of the road.

"Thank you for taking me out." I smiled at him.

"Anytime." He said casually, but a smirk tugged at his lips.

He then proceeded to tell me a joke as I started to get out the car, making me turn my face around in laughter, and suddenly his face was in mine and his lips were on my lips.

I was so shocked that I couldn't respond for a few seconds, before I turned my face away, red.

"Oh, um, I'm so sorry. I just thought-" he trailed, but I shook my head.

"No, no, it's fine, well it's not know what I mean."

I was all flustered that I couldn't grip the car door handle right to get out the car.

"You love him, don't you." He spoke up all serious, making me freeze.

"What?" I asked, turning to look at him.

"You heard me." His face was cold. "You love him. That's why no matter how many weeks apart from him you tell yourself it's over, you can't move on to someone else."

I bit the insides of my cheeks, then finally managed to open the car door.

"I've got to go." I quickly said, before getting out and speed-walking to my house. However, before I went in, I got a text from Rowan.

Meet me around the corner of Susie's Smoothies. ASAP.

I couldn't ignore the big blaring letters at the end of her text, so I got into my car, groaning, and headed to the shop.


Considering she said ASAP, she wasn't even there. I bought a smoothie and some apple slices to pass the time, before I walked out of the shop and waited at the corner. Suddenly, the air behind me began to crackle, electricity running all along my skin. Someone had approached, but it definitely wasn't Rowan.

"Carter." I muttered, breathless, turning around to see him standing there, hopeless and as if the whole world had stomped on his chest.

"Branwen, oh my god-" he couldn't finish his sentence. "You look so-"

I began to walk away, fighting so hard against all my urges to run into his arms.

"Wait! Branwen, where are you going?"

I began to speed up, but what was the point? He was faster than me, and I was so sick of running from this.

I whipped around, making him quickly halt.

"What do you want from me?" I muttered sadly, my throat tight and tears filling my eyes.

He was alarmed by my expression, before he reached towards my arm and I stepped aside. His hand dropped, and instead he led me into his car, his face pained.

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