Chapter 18- Lazy?! We'll See About That

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I awoke in the morning with a rush of energy. Oddly, that had been the best sleep I'd had since the summer- perhaps school was stressing me out too much. In the back of my mind, however, I felt I knew the true reason why- Mason. I didn't want to admit he had any influence on me, but most nights he haunted my sleep.

I shook off my paranoia before taking a quick shower and walking out into the hall. I knocked on Carters door.

"Carter? Are you up?"

The door creaked open from my touch, exposing a room filled with some steam from the bathroom.

"Rise and shine, Raisin Bran." He came out of the bathroom with only a frighteningly low, turquoise towel wrapped around his waist. I gulped, seeing his V lines and a trail of dark hair leading to...

I turned my face away. "See you downstairs." I all but practically choked out. Blimey, that was the most exposed I'd ever seen Carter, and it flustered me to say the least! Now my mind was driven in circles, replaying the scene over and over again- wondering where that trail of hair led-

"Goodness, snap out of it Branwen!" I muttered to myself as I walked into the kitchen, busying myself with the task to find a glass for orange juice. Checking my phone as I took a seat at the breakfast bar, I realised Rowan had messaged me a picture of her and Jack. They were at some dark arcade with bright neon lights shining on their faces, as Rowan held her phone at arm's length and took the picture. She had the most cheesiest grin ever as Jack had his arms wrapped around her stomach, his head resting on her shoulder as he kissed her cheek. Her other hand was holding large panda teddy he must have won for her.

Unconsciously, I smiled, feeling happy that Rowan was beginning to settle down after all of her wild adventures with boys. But then it got me thinking. Carter and I hadn't taken a photo like that, and we'd known each other longer! I pinned it down to the fact that maybe a picture would stir up more drama if anyone saw it, so I left my thoughts at bay. Especially considering that the drama had just died down on my half, but Leslie seemed hell bent on keeping it going.

I was so consumed by my thoughts I didn't even notice Carter had entered the room until he snaked his arms around my waist. A citrusy smell wrapped around me. "Good Morning." He pecked me on my cheek. I jumped a little, startled- making him chuckle.

"You should watch out Raisin Bran, you're too easy to sneak up on."

I shot him a glare. "Maybe I let you."

Wow, what a rubbish comeback.

He laughed at me again. "I highly doubt that... Pancakes?" He asked, raising a spatula in the air from the other side of the kitchen.

My mouth practically watered at the mention of them. Rowan must have slipped him a tip or two about my preferences...

"Mmm, I'd have pancakes any day." I told him happily. A bright glint most likely shone in my eyes as I said this, for he glanced back at me and smiled.

"Do you want help with them?" I asked, walking to him and trying to peep over his shoulder. However, he was far too tall for his own good.

"Sit back and relax, I've got this."

He didn't have to tell me twice. However, instead of going over to the living area and plonking myself on the couch, I retook my seat at the breakfast bar as I watched him cook.


Ten minutes later, we were sitting opposite each other whilst I lost myself in the glory of the pancakes and golden syrup. Carter had some bananas with his, too.

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