Chapter 17- Carter and I, it was Like a Dream

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Somehow, in a miraculous way, I had regained my composure when I returned downstairs to Carter.

"Hello again." He gave me a small smile.

I fiddled with my hands in front of me before giving him a small nod.

Seriously, Branwen?

He cleared his throat. "Not to be rude, but... Did you get lost?"

"Nope, no." I chirped rather quickly. Carter gave me an odd look.

"So, erm, what took you so long?"

"Girl problems." I piped up again, then instantly regretted it from the shocked look on his face.

What the hell was wrong with me? Why was I not in control?

In an effort to save myself, I quickly elaborated. "No, no, not like that! Rowan had to speak to me. You see, she wanted some advice on Jack-"

"My man Jack? What did she need advice on?" Suddenly Carter seemed side tracked with the new topic, and I mentally praised myself for the steer in conversation. Go Branwen!

"Well, um, she wanted to know if I thought he was into her or not." I lied. Jheez, I might as well have dug myself a grave at this rate, I didn't want to dob Rowan into my own personal problems. It was bad enough she could read me like a book just over the phone!

Carter got up and walked over to me. Taking my hands, he looked at me.

"Why don't we go grab some lunch and we can talk about Jack and Rowan?"

Well, shit. I did not want to spend my lunch making fake conversation over a concern that never happened.

Deciding flirting was the only way to end the conversation, I batted my eyelashes and bit my lip. "Perhaps we can talk about us, instead."

A pink tint rose on Carters cheeks, and he looked away. "Of course, whatever you want."

"I mean, with what happened at the party and all..."

He stiffened at the mention of the party, clenching his jaw. "Yeah, we do need to talk about that, don't we."

"Yup." I popped.

He finally looked back at me and gave me a cheeky smile. "Let's go grab lunch."


Carter and I were eating in a small Burger King, around fifteen minutes away from the cabin. Everything around us seemed to be swarmed with nature, I couldn't believe there wasn't any form of civilisation near.

"Where are we again, exactly?" I asked, taking a bite of my double beef burger with bacon.

"We are in Northampton." He smiled at me, eating his fries.

"So..." I said, "is it all just countryside?"

He laughed. Most likely at me. "No! Of course not, it's a town."

I probably came off stupid, but I didn't mean to. "It doesn't really look like one."

"That's because we are in the country part." He gave me a look. "Did you not take geography?"

"I'm a history girl." I replied simply, swiping a fry in ketchup and plopping it in my mouth. Carter smiled at me, and I gave him a funny look.

"What?" I asked, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Oh, nothing." He said, leaning towards me. "You just have a little," he traced his finger along the corner of my mouth, then put his finger in side his, "sauce, that was all."

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