Chapter 10- You Look and Sound Like a Cyborg!

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I'd learned through many events that life wasn't easy. At first, I thought life was unfair when I found out my mother was pregnant with my little brother Angus when I was ten, because I didn't want another sibling, but when he was born, I loved him straight away. Then, I thought life was unfair when I watched my dad move out and my parents divorce when Angus was only a few months old.

Through more added events, traumas, and my relatives deaths, I'd came to the conclusion that life just seemed to suck for me. I was an average girl, or maybe not so average, considering all of the physical and emotional pain I had endured. And, of course, Nate was the rotten apple in the bowl of fruit that was my life.

Nate...he definitely had some mental problems. With the way he treated me, and how I ended up in hospital by his hands, combined with his creepy, obsessive ways, it left no doubt in my mind when I told Rowan he was crazy.

But, despite my troubled family, added to that my alcoholic father, I seemed to be fine. Well, besides from my short temper which my mum constantly concluded to being anger problems, and being stressed out more than the average teenager, I was still okay. I had Rowan to support me, the only true friend I had had since she moved into the house next door from living in Rio De Janeiro with her mum and dad, as her mum was Latin American. We had been best friends ever since I met her running around on the grassy field in our cul-de-sac with a lollipop in her hand. And, as far as I was concerned, as long as I had Rowan, everything would be alright.

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, and no, not in that way. What I mean was that Carter had blatantly left my side during the night, and I couldn't stop my heart dropping to my stomach when I realised this. I had been hoping he would have stayed to make me feel safe, regarding his staggering height and impressive muscles, and to provide comfort for me, but now that I had thought about it, I realised how stupid the thought even was. I mean, why would Carter want to stay and comfort a girl he barely knew? But then again, he did come and visit me during the night...

I scrapped all the thoughts in my head, deciding to not fret over his actions because they had already happened, and it would do my concussion no good. I had to focus on healing and returning home and going back to school. I didn't want to stay in this repulsive hospital one minute longer, all alone, feeling suffocated by the fact I was lying in a hospital bed because I had been attacked by a revolting thing who lived in my house that called itself my mother's husband. Besides, I couldn't afford to fall behind on my school work, I had test exams coming up.

I stayed in the hospital a further four days before deciding to take matters into my own hands. Sitting up in the hospital bed, I clenched my teeth and hissed as I roughly pulled the butterfly needle out the pale blue vein that ran across the back of my hand. I then stood up, nearly tripping over all the wires attaching me to machines, and ripped them all one by one off my chest and arms. But just as I was about to rip off the very last one, a nurse entered the room and I cursed under my breath.

Shocked, she quickly placed down the tray of food that carried my mushy breakfast onto a small table next to her, then rushed over to me, a stern look in her eyes.

"What do you think you're doing?" She reached for the wires on the floor and held them in her hands. "You need to rest."

I let out a breath, trying to stay calm despite feeling mothered by her. "Ma'am, I can't thank you enough for catering and caring for me. But what I really want is to be out of this hell ho- I mean hospital." I smiled shyly, trying to cover my slip up. "You see, I think I'd make a faster recovery at home in the comfort of my own luxury, than I would here all alone, in the cold, with everything so foreign and not having my family around me every second." Glancing at the ground, I fiddled with my hands, then raised my eyes and bit my lip. "I hope you understand?"

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