Chapter 7- So, You're a Prude?

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The weekend went by way too fast for my liking, but didn't it always? I spent the rest of Saturday afternoon exhausted yet alive from seeing Carter at Rowan's place, as her parents went for a romantic day out. Then, I spent the rest of Sunday relaxing and completing some school tasks. However, I again found myself looking forward to school for once, instead of dreading it. After talking to Carter, I felt less worried about sly comments being aimed at me, and other peoples opinions chipping in to the gossip about Carter and I. But still, that didn't make the comments people made about me any less hurtful or annoying.

Flash forward to Wednesday the following week, it was approaching the end of my biology lesson when Rowan elbowed me sharply in my side.

"Ow, what was that for?!" I exclaimed in a whisper to her so the teacher wouldn't hear. Miss McMillan was a pain in the arse when it came to consequences for misbehaviour, also known as 'talking out of turn.'

"Don't listen to them," Rowan's eyes skirted across the class and landed on three girls gossiping in the second row to the front of the lab. Biology was one of the only lessons I had with Rowan, and I sat at the back with her.

"Well, I wasn't listening, but now I am."

"Shit," she cussed to herself, realising her mistake in drawing my attention to it.

I leant forward on my elbows on the dark brown, wooden desk, eager to hear the latest news about me.

"Did you hear that Carter is still talking to Branwen?" I heard Lucille, one of the girls, whisper loudly. Lucille was more of a spunky girl, with her funky royal blue hair fading into a dark purple ombré at the ends of her shoulder length hair, making her forest green eyes pop against it, her eyebrow piercing sitting above her left eye.

"Of course, who hasn't?" Cara replied. She was one of the more honest and down to earth girls in Emma's clique, with Emma being the queen bee and biggest bitch of the school. But you couldn't deny that Emma wasn't pretty with her sleek, black hair with a red tint, and her South American skin tone, which she gained from her black father. In contrast to this, Cara had fair skin with light freckles brushing across her nose, and she had strawberry blonde hair and hazel eyes..

"Well, I think he just feels sorry for her, but then again, who doesn't? She's such a prude." Chimed in Lily, one of the schools most popular girls, who also was in the clique of Emma and worshipped her out of jealousy. She was the type of girl that was sweet to your face, but a complete cobra behind your back. I found myself feeling pity for her because she thought that being two faced meant she would be popular with everyone, when she worshipped the other more popular girls herself. It must have meant she lead such an empty life, always trying to morph her personalities to fit in with any friendship group in the school. It was almost as if her good looks weren't enough for her, like she wanted to have the best looks, with her loosely waved, dyed, honey blonde hair, strong dark eyebrows that matched her roots, and pale grey eyes.

"Oh shut up, Lily," said Cara, who was the more honest and down to earth person in the group. "Just because you're jealous of Branwen, it doesn't mean you have to attack her."

Lucille nodded in agreement. "She's right, you know, you need to get over the fact that you feel threatened by her, it's dragging on now."

Threatened? What on earth was Lucille talking about? I turned to Rowan and she cocked an eyebrow, amused.

"Watch your mouths," Lily hissed fiercely, an evil look contorting her normally beautiful face, "and know your place."

That soon shut them up. But still, my mind was racing. Why would one of the popular girls feel threatened by me? I knew I got along with most people in my year, but I didn't hang out with them and wasn't invited to many parties. I just was one of those people who figured I had enough drama in my life without piling more on the plate by putting myself out there and being sociable. Besides, I had Rowan, and at least I knew I could rely on her and trust her with my secrets. I preferred to be friends with people who were loyal to me, and that I could trust, over random people who I couldn't share that with. Essentially, I sought quality over quantity.

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