Chapter 24- Woah There, White Kanye West in the Making

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I'd just like to start off with an apology. I haven't updated in so long because I was away for the week and then the following week I was volunteering at my school to help them out. On a new note, I aim to update a lot more frequently now!

Chapter 24- Woah There, White Kanye West in the Making

The Christmas holidays were over and I was unfortunately back at school. Not only was this fact upsetting, it was even more so because I was reminded that it would only be six months until Carter finished school for good, and left to God knows where.

"What is a common theme in Macbeth?" River asked me.

We were currently in our English class, and he was now my new partner, according to the seating plan.

"The supernatural." I responded.

"Okay, well what's the main theme?"

"The main theme is about a tragic hero, and how the strive for power corrupts good will."

He nodded at me. "Good. Now ask me some questions, I need to take notes."

I sighed and picked up my pen, flicking it against my notebook.

"After reading Act 5 Scene 1, then watching it be performed in a movie adaption of Macbeth, would you argue that Lady Macbeth is mentally ill, or that she is perhaps possessed or linked to the supernatural? Giving, in the Elizabethan era, religion had a much larger influence in society."

He blinked at me. "Come on, I gave you easy questions!"

"River, I don't need easy questions. So! Answer it."

He bit his lip and turned away. "Hang on, let me think."

As he did this, I stared absent minded out of the wall of windows. Then I noticed somebody along that wall raised their hand and clicked their fingers, only to realise it was Rowan.

She made a gun with her hands and pretended to shoot River. I laughed.

"For real, though, he's been such a jerk to you."

"True." I replied, playing with my hair.

Ever since Carter had won the athletics competition, River had either been brushing me off or just flat out rude to me. At this moment in time, he was being okay, but I could still see he was hiding behind a curtain around me.

"I have an answer." He spoke up.

I mouthed sorry to Rowan, then turned around to face him.

"Okay, shoot."

"So, I would argue that Lady Macbeth has been driven mad by the love she has for her husband. Why else would she be his accomplice? She wanted the best for him."

"However, Macbeth at first refused Lady Macbeth to have any role in the murder of King Duncan." I argued.

"But wasn't it her idea to kill him in the first place?"

"Macbeth knew deep down that to rise to power he would have to kill such a noble King. However, Lady Macbeth was the one who spoke the words for him."

"Are you basically saying that Macbeth was a coward?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, if you want Macbeth to speak what he thinks, then he will."

Suddenly this had taken an unexpected turn.

"Am I right to assume you are talking in the third person about yourself?" I asked, my head tilted to the side.

He stood up abruptly. "Sir, may I be excused?"

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