Chapter 36- The Chase

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Rowan had told me Carter and River got into a fist fight, and although I was concerned, I also didn't care too. I told her he's a free man! He can do whatever he wants to do! It doesn't concern me anymore- yet another lie.

Rowan and I were okay now that I had told her the truth. But something was different, and she said it was because I still wasn't my proper self. According to her, getting hammered every weekend wasn't the solution to my problems, but it was working pretty well for me.

It was a Friday, and I didn't have work that day. So, when I got home from school, I changed into my running gear and left the house. However, I noticed there was a note on my car again.

I see you all the time, maybe you should see me too? You haven't for a while.

Chills swept along my spine as I took the note inside and put it in a shoe box in my room. I'd started to make a collection over the months to try and figure out who the stalker was, but I hadn't yet. Moreover, I hadn't told Rowan I was still getting them- she believed I only had gotten one note.

I quickly left the house again and began my five mile run around the neighbourhood. Half way through was my favourite part- that was when my lungs began to expand and burn. I loved pushing myself, feeling my muscles strain as they struggled to get enough oxygen to them, the feeling of my heart pounding so hard in my chest that for a split second I believed it might just pop out. It was such a struggle, and yet such an emotional relief, too. The adrenaline was so refreshing to the point I welcomed it, and then suddenly, I would burst out of this pain to an even faster run, no longer feeling any struggle but feeling like my limbs were loose and free. It was phenomenal.

Towards the end of my routine run I always went into Susie's Smoothies for a berry blast, then finished my run home. It always gave me enough energy to keep me going, and it was delicious, too! Honestly, running made me feel a lot better about my break up with Carter than drinking did. I had no idea why I turned to alcohol and parties, anyway. Maybe Rowan was right- I still wasn't myself.

Josh served me the smoothie and, deciding he liked seeing me back into my old routine again, didn't question me if I was okay. I quickly guzzled the drink down before using the bathroom and heading out. However, when I stepped outside the shop, my blood ran cold.

There, opposite the street, was Mason. He was staring at me the whole time, before he slowly smirked and began to cross the road. I was frozen in place, my neck beginning to burn as a reminder of his touch, before my body went into haywire and I bolted in the opposite direction.

I hadn't seen him since he attacked me, but I hadn't thought he would stick around the area! I thought he would leave far, far away. My mum even divorced him, he had nothing left for him!

So many thoughts were running through my head as I raced down the street, him barrelling after me. I was worried about him catching up, considering he was taller and therefore had longer legs than me, but my strides were twice as quick as his from all of my regular exercise. Weren't they? I began to doubt myself when a gigantic jigsaw piece slotted into my brain.

He was the one who had been stalking me.

He was the one who had paedophillic tendencies towards me. The one who abused me, and the one who broke my mum's heart. He was a cheater, a liar, and clearly psychotic. Why hadn't I thought of this before?! Then I realised I didn't, because I just wanted to completely forget he ever existed.

Tears were wildly tearing off my face as I raced towards the end of the street, pushing people out of my way but not to the extent of hurting them. I dared to look back, seeing he was closer than I expected, then I tried to force myself through my emotional turmoil to focus on running and running only.

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