The 5th of February, 2016

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I woke up to the sound of my mum opening the door to my bedroom, telling me it was time for me to go to school. I had a really bad headache and I was coughing all morning. I practically fell out of bed as I couldn't gather the strength to lift myself out, so I almost fell asleep on the floor. Grand start to the day.

I had, apparently, misjudged the time I had to be at school for that day. As it turned out, school didn't start at 9AM as I expected, but at 8:15AM. So, at 8:00AM, after getting myself dressed, I bolted out the door with my backpack slung across one shoulder and ran to school. I was, obviously, late, but not too much. I was out of breath, though, for the remainder of my first lesson.

Emilia came up to me at the lockers afterwards.

"Hi!" She greeted me with a smile on her face.

"Hi", I said back and stuffed my books from the previous lesson into my locker.

"Why were you late?" She asked me as she opened her locker.

"I slept in", I answered. "What lesson do we have next?"

"A moment", Emilia said and looked "We have a double-lesson of art", she finally answered and looked up.

"Nice", I replied and grabbed my pencil case.

"Shall we?" Emilia asked and smiled as she offered her hand.

"Um... maybe we shouldn't hold hands right now", I replied awkwardly.

"Oh, that's ok", Emilia said and smiled, and we walked up to our art class.

We were starting a project on clay sculptures. Me, Emilia, and two of our other friends, Jaana and Allen, worked together. Jaana was a short, blonde, fashionable girl. I guess you could call her 'basic', as she was quite a mass teen. Allen was a plump, red-haired exchange student from England. If you had to choose one word to describe him, I guess it would be 'nerd'. He actually got mad at me on New Years Day because I still hadn't seen Star Wars ep. 7, so he took me to a theatre watch it. I've never been a huge Star Wars fan, but holy shit, that was an incredibly good film.

Jaana and Allen were more Emilia's friends. I didn't get along with them too well, I thought Jaana was too boring and Allen was too aggressive. I think Emilia hangs out with them just because she wants to have lots of friends.

So, we started discussing what we should make.

"A unicorn!" Emilia squeaked, to which me and Jaana both snorted simultaneously.

"What?" Emilia said. "Unicorns are awesome!"

"Yeah, perhaps not", I replied. "I don't think we'd be able to get it to stay intact".

"What do you wanna make, then?" Jaana asked.

"Something that doesn't have lots of thin parts", I replied.

"But that'll look boring!" Emilia interjected.

"We can make lots of detail to just a tube. For example, the leaning tower of Pisa. All those windows and shit take a lot of work", I said.

Emilia opened and closed her mouth for a bit, but pouted when she couldn't find the right words. "I guess", she then said.

"Do you wanna build anything that won't have lots of thin parts?" I asked.

"Can we make a rainbow?" Emilia asked.

"Sure", I replied, and Emilia's face lit up.

"Yay!" She squeaked and threw her hands up into the air. "I'll go get all the things!", she said and bolted off to get us clay and tools.

"So, how are we going to make the rainbow?" Allen asked.

"What do you mean?" I replied with a question.

"Are we going to make one big fat thing and then cut lines into it, or are we going to make seven thin things and put them together?" Allen asked.

"Well, I guess we should make one big thing and cut the lines into it", I answered.

"Good answer", Allen said. Emilia came back and plopped the clay and tools down on our table. For the next 90 minutes, we made a rainbow out of clay, about four times the size of someone's hand. Or, well, we made the rainbow in the first 30 minutes, and then sat around for a while before I decided to start making the leaning tower of Pisa out of clay. Unlike Jaana and Allen, Emilia actually helped me do it. Jaana and Allen were just on their phones, Jaana on Pinterest, Allen on Trivia Crack.

So, after art had ended, it was time for lunch. I didn't eat, though. As soon as I saw "fish soup" on the menu, I turned around and left the cafeteria. I put my earphones in my ears and started listening to some music.

The rest of the day went very slowly. The lessons bored me to death, but at least I got out eventually. I couldn't even concentrate because of the headache.

After school, I walked around Kamppi, taking photos of the city. After taking about 20 photos of a particular old building, I decided to go get a coffee at Starbucks. I noticed Charlie had texted me.

Charlie: um
Charlie: hi
Charlie: ive been doing the photography thing a bit
Charlie: you inspired me
Charlie: do you wanna see my photos?

Aw, I inspired him? That's so cool!

Me: Yeah, sure :D

Charlie sent me five of photos. They were photos of a sunset, taken from a beach. They showed the sun just above the horizon, dipping below the horizon, completely below the horizon and then a photo of the same sight, but the sky had gone really dark.

Me: These are really cool
Me: I love them :D

Charlie: thanks
Charlie: i took them on my phone

Me: They look really nice :3
Me: you could've maybe edited the photos to be a tad darker
Me: Or increased the contrast, so you'd really see the effect and light of the sun

Charlie: maybe next time

Me: So what have you been up to today?

Charlie: i woke up a while ago and now i have to go to school
Charlie: i actually cant talk now
Charlie: i just wanted to quickly show you the photos
Charlie: sorry

Me: Oh, it's ok
Me: You'll show me other photos you take, yeah?

Charlie: sure
Charlie: i gtg now
Charlie: bye babe

Me: TTYL babe :3

So, I went home. Nothing much really happened after that, except I coughed even more and my headache grew even worse. I had some difficulty sleeping because of that feeling, but I eventually fell asleep, thankfully. I was really exhausted. Quite odd, but oh well. The feeling was probably gonna be gone the next morning.

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