The 28th of May, 2016

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"Yeah it's just a little trek onward", Emilia replied as I asked if we were close yet. We were in Uutela again, and she was taking me to her favourite place to climb.

"Hopefully it's somewhere in the shade", I said as I held my t-shirt away from my skin.

"Yeah it's right here". Emilia turned left, and I followed. She stopped, and we were looking up at a cliff. "I've got some stuff, hold up", she said and ran off. She came back with some climbing ropes.

"You come climbing here?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's super fun", she said. "I've got one of those rope holding things on the top of the cliff".

"Do you mean like a hook or something?" I asked.

"I have no idea what the name is", she replied and smiled. She tied one end of the rope around her waist. "I'll go first, I'll get the rope around the hook and throw it down to you. Then it's your turn".

"Wait there's a safer way up the mountain, you could just go up that and do the rope hook thing", I said.

"Yeah, but there's no fun in that!" Emilia said and giggled. She started climbing with the end of the rope tied around her. She made it up alright, and I sighed in relief.

She then looped the rope through the hook and threw it down to me. "Tie it around your waist and climb up!" She shouted down.

I looked at the rope and the cliff. "I think I'll stay here", I said.

"Don't you wanna climb?" She asked.

"Well yeah, but what if I fall?" I replied.

"Don't worry, I've got you", she said. I took a deep breath and tied the rope around my waist.

I found places for my hands and feet to go and pulled myself up a bit. I was sweating needles and felt my heartbeat in my ears, but I went on. It was actually pretty fun, albeit terrifying.

"You ok?" Emilia asked.

"I'm fine, but if I die I'm blaming you", I replied. Emilia giggled. That's good, that means she doesn't hate me. Probably.

"Don't worry, you won't die", she said.

"Nah, I'd die from a drunk driver before I die from crawling up a cliff", I said. I kept on climbing up, and I smiled to myself. This was really fucking cool.

I looked down. The fall would've killed me, but I looked back up and I went on. My legs were shaking, and so were my arms, but I kept on climbing and finding my grip.

I got to the top, and Emilia helped me up. "You did it!" She squealed.

"Fuck yeah I did!" I exclaimed, and we high-fived. "That was awesome". I felt weird, though. Like I wasn't supposed to be this close with her.

"Yeah it was", Emilia replied. "You wanna go again?".

We did some climbing for a while before Emilia put the rope away again, and we sat atop the cliff.

"I have a feeling that rope is completely useless", I said.

"Yeah, well, it feels safer this way", Emilia replied.

"I guess", I said. "I guess things are really helpful even if we don't need them".

"Stop being wise", Emilia said.

"You can take a bad photo of me with my face to this sunset and put that in the caption on Instagram", I said.

"As a matter of fact I will do that", Emilia said. I smiled. She actually did it.

I still felt uncertain. I still felt guilty.

I pushed those thoughts away.

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