The 6th of April, 2016

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"So how's things with Emilia?" Charlie asked. We were Skyping again, on my phone this time, and I was outdoors at Vuosaari canal, sitting on one of the platforms on the sidewalk, amidst the ferns and plants. It was sunny, the ice on the canal was slowly melting away, but the trees in Uutela still weren't growing their leaves back.

"We haven't talked", I said. "I didn't even see her at school yesterday".

"Oh dear", Charlie replied.

"I think I'm gonna try and text her later today", I said.

"That's good", Charlie said. "The forest is really nice".

"You should see it in the summer", I replied.

"I should move there so I could always see it", Charlie said.

"You should", I agreed.

"I will fly with no hope, no fear", Charlie sang a bit.

"Ayy, twenty one pilots", I said and grinned a bit.

"You mean scream bean and spooky Jim?" Charlie asked jokingly.

I smiled. "No I mean ukulele rap boy and alien man", I replied.

Charlie smiled. There was a bit of silence.

"I'm looking forward to the summer", I said. "I have a feeling it's gonna be better".

"Better how?" Charlie asked.

"As in I won't be so sad and worried and Emilia won't hate me and that I'll just generally be more ok than now", I explained.

"Oh", Charlie replied.

I jumped down to the sidewalk by the canal and walked along. "I don't like wearing t-shirts, though", I said.

"Neither do I", Charlie replied.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I'm ashamed of my scars", Charlie explained.

I swallowed. "You don't have to be ashamed of your scars", I said. "They're not great, but they remind you that things do get better".

"You sound so cheesy", Charlie said.

I giggled. "It's true though!" I said back and I heard Charlie give a laugh.

"I haven't cut in, like, a month", he said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Nah, I've been clean for a month. I think that's the longest I've ever been", Charlie said.

"That's awesome!" I said and grinned.

"I guess it is", Charlie agreed.

"I'm really fucking proud of you", I said.

"Really? I just stayed clean for a month", Charlie said.

"Yeah, and that's a big thing to be able to do", I said. "By what I know, at least".

"Well thanks", Charlie said.

"You don't have to thank me. I want you to be happy for yourself and be proud", I said.

"Oh?" Charlie replied.

"Yeah, you did so well!" I said back.

Charlie smiled. "I love you a lot", he said.

"I love you too babe", I replied.

"Do you think it's weird we call each other 'babe' even though we're just friends?" Charlie asked.

"No, I think it's totally normal", I replied. "Why?"

"I dunno, it's just so, like", Charlie paused to find the right word. "Sexualised?"

"Well it doesn't have to be", I said.

"It just seems like such a couple-y thing to do", Charlie giggled.

"Maybe we should date", I said and giggled back.

"Wait really?" Charlie asked.

"Well we'll see what happens", I said.

"Well I'd definitely jump on you if I met you IRL", Charlie said.

"Just give me a heads up first", I giggled. I was blushing.

"Or I'll just give you some head first", Charlie said and smirked.

I snorted and laughed out loud. "Well", is all I could say.

"Mmh, harder daddy", Charlie moaned to tease me.

I was laughing a lot now. "Ok you need to stop", I managed to say.

"Sure", Charlie giggled. "You're quite red".

"Yeah, thanks to you", I replied.

"You're welcome", Charlie smirked.

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