The 12th

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"To whom it may concern, I guess:

"So, it's been a month.

"And that month was really good, for me and Daniel.

"We had a lot of fun times, shared a lot of good memories and stuff.

"He changed my life, kind of. He was my angel... I guess. He helped me a lot with my mental health and problems and... he was just an all-around great guy.

"So, it was his first day at the Pop&Jazz conservatory. I decided to escort him there.

"Well, something happened.

"On the way to the metro station, I guess a car driver was drunk or hadn't seen him or...

"The car hit him. It came right out from behind a corner... It sent his body flying and it wiped the smile clean off his face. A body which was once full of life had now been completely destroyed.

"I was out of the way on the other side of the road because I ran, but he... he didn't make it.

"I went over to his body. I thought there was a chance that he was still alive, but... I didn't even have time to tell him I loved him for one last time. He was already dead.

"I called the police and the ambulance and they took him to a hospital and tried to save him, but there was nothing they could do.

"I spent the entire night crying. My world had been taken away from me... I wanted to wake up from it like it was a bad dream, but it was all too real.

"Aw, jeez, I got too emotional on this damn thing. It was supposed to be a simple video message to let people know. I don't even know why I'm doing this... It all seems so pointless now.

"I guess that nothing in real life ends the way they do in fairy tales and novels... Not for me, at least.

"But, Daniel, if you're somehow watching this from some cloud up in the sky... Thank you for everything. Even though it didn't last as long as I wanted it to, thank you for your help and your support, thank you for your love and for your caring, thank you for the kisses and the sex, and... Well, that's what I wanted to say. Thank you.

"Daniel Aalto, you were, are, and always will be the light to clear off my perfect fucking rainstorms".

- Charlie

A Perfect Rainstorm

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