The 19th of January 2016

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I can say I've lived a very normal life up until now. A happy, however somewhat boring life. Even in Kamppi, the centre of Helsinki in Finland, the action gets a bit boring after a while. Thankfully, when the action and the people and the media gets too exhausting, I can take the metro to Vuosaari and go on little adventures in the forests and woods there. I've gotten into a routine in a world with loads of options, and it has bored the life out of me. But, I remain happy in that life. I have good friends -or, well, one good friend-, good hobbies, good grades. It's all good. But, as I was soon to realise, even when things around you are good, things inside you might not be as good.

I started out that Friday like any other. Ate a shitty breakfast after a short sleep, went to school, answered "here" when my teacher called out "Daniel Aalto?", came home and slumped into my chair, spending the next hour on my laptop. But, as most things in my life do, that got boring very quickly.

I decided to text my friend from the beginning of 9th grade Emilia.

Me: Hey!

It took a while for her to respond.

Emilia: Hiya! :D

Of course, she wasn't saying these in English, but Finnish. All I did was translate the sentences.

Me: You ok?

Emilia: Yeah, I'm fine. Playing some Call of Duty. What about you?

Me: Ew, shooting games. :P
Me: But yeah, I'm fine. But a bit bored.

Emilia: Haha, oh you poor little thing. :3
Emilia: Do you want to come over and play CoD with me so you won't be bored?

Me: Can we play something else?
Me: I really hate shooter games.

Emilia: Yeah, sure.
Emilia: How does Barbie dress-up sound? ;)

Oh, Emilia. Always a comedian.

Me: Fuck you.
Me: Nah, I'm kidding. That made me laugh.
Me: But please don't actually have a Barbie dress-up game ready when I come over.

Emilia: Don't worry about it :3
Emilia: Is there anything specific that you want to play? :D

Me: Hmm, let me think.

And of course, the most brilliant thought popped up into my head.


Emilia: Oh, prepare yourself! I have trained my Mario Kart skills since our last meeting.

Me: Good, because your skills were shit last time!

Emilia: You only got into first place because of that blue shell!

Me: And your inability to dodge shit.

Emilia: Oh, shut up. XD

Me: Yeah, well, I'll start coming over, ok?

Emilia: Yeah, sure. I'll be killing assholes in CoD while you get over here :3

Me: Fun. I'll see you in a bit!

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