The 6th of March, 2016

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I was worrying about Charlie more than I did two days ago. I was worrying about everything else, too. Like Emilia. Would she ever go back to her naturally smiley, bubbly self? She's been getting better, so probably. But what about her cutting? Would she continue that? And would her injury cause any more damage? On top of all this, I was worrying about my sexuality, too. What if I never figured it out?

I went for a walk.

Then, I clapped my hand over my mouth as I got the notification I was waiting for.

Charlie texted me.

Charlie: hey
Charlie: so
Charlie: you probably heard about me oding

Charlie: im sorry
Charlie: im so so sorry
Charlie: i just
Charlie: i dont know
Charlie: im so sorry

I took a different approach to the news that Charlie was back, and messaged him as soon as I got up from the floor I previously fell on to off of my bed.

Me: *gives u all the cuddles and kisses*
Me: Oh my god
Me: You're BACK!
Me: I was so worried I would never see you again
Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh
Me: Are you okay?
Me: Please don't ever do that again, please

Charlie: im so sorry
Charlie: i really am
Charlie: i am so fucking sorry

Me: Babe it's okay
Me: *cuddles u and holds u*
Me: I promise, you don't have to apologise

Charlie: no i do because i made you worry
Charlie: im not worth worrying over

Me: Please don't say that
Me: You're worth so much more than you think
Me: *holds you* I promise, it's alright. I love you, I promise

Charlie: youre honestly the best friend
Charlie: i dont deserve you

Me: You don't have to deserve someone to have their friendship

Charlie: i feel like crying
Charlie: im at my moms house
Charlie: thank god its not my dads house

Me: Yeah, your mum's a pretty cool bean

Charlie: yeah
Charlie: im sorry if im unenthusiastic

Me: It's okay babe

Charlie: i just want to cry

Me: Awh :(
Me: You can cry into my chest anytime

Charlie: really?

Me: Yes, of course you can

Charlie: um

Charlie: *cries into your chest*

Me: *holds you tight* It's going to be okay. I'm going to help you make it be okay

Charlie: youre by far the coolest bean

Me: Thank you ^-^

Charlie: i love you
Charlie: *rests on your chest and sobs*

Me: *holds you close* I love you too

Charlie: um
Charlie: are you ok

Me: I'm fine
Me: Been overthinking a few things tho

Charlie: what
Charlie: have you been overthinking

Me: My sexuality

Charlie: oh

Me: I think I'm probably gay
Me: But like
Me: I have no idea

Charlie: literally me

Me: Oh are you gay?

Charlie: i guess you could say that
Charlie: im very confused about my gender as well so
Charlie: yeah
Charlie: sorry to bother you so much

Me: Nononono you're not bothering me at all
Me: You can always come and talk to me, okay?

Charlie: thank you
Charlie: i need to go now
Charlie: my mom wants to spend some time with me
Charlie: sorry

Me: It's completely fine babe
Me: You do what you want :3

Charlie: id rather speak with you

Me: Awh
Me: Well your mum wants you now so you should probs go

Charlie: yeah
Charlie: thanks
Charlie: and sorry

Me: *hugs* no need to apologise or thank me

Charlie: i love you

Me: I love you too babe <3

After counting my blessings that Charlie was alive, I opened up the texts I had gotten from Emilia. Or, well, the text.

Emilia: Can you come to my place?

Me: Why?

Emilia: Please can you?

Me: Right now?

Emilia: Yeah

Me: OK

So, after the busride, I was at Emilia's front door and I rang the doorbell. She answered and practically collapsed into my arms, and I caught her and held her. I saw that her hair was messy and that her cheeks were watery.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I cut again", Emilia replied. "Can you make it stop?"

"Where are your blades?" I asked, and Emilia led me to her room and gave me a box.

"That's everything I use to hurt myself in there", she said. "Please take them away".

I looked inside to see several small razor blades, a lighter and a few needles. I looked up at Emilia.

"Is this all?" I asked. Emilia nodded. "Because if it's not all, and you hurt yourself again", I started, but lost my words. "I don't want you to do that", I finally said.

"It's everything", Emilia said. "I trust you to throw them away".

I looked at her to try and figure out if she was lying, then put down the box and went to hug her. She fell into me and sobbed a bit.

"It's going to be okay", I said. "I promise".

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