The 12th of March 2016

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I was sitting at the Ciao Café with Emilia. We were drinking out coffee's and eating our buns and acting ever-so hipster.

"We need to go into the woods to take hipstery pictures", Emilia suggested.
"After I've finished taking hipstery pictures of my coffee", I replied. I was bent down with my phone in my hands, finding the perfect angle for the shot. Emilia giggled.
"Since when were we such hipsters?" Emilia asked. I rose up.
"I have no idea, but I've always felt very pretentious. Just like a real hipster" I replied.
"We're saying hipster too much", Emilia noted.
"Shit, true", I agreed.
"Finish your coffee and we can go to that forest", Emilia said and smiled as she took her empty glass to the tray of dirty dishes. I finished my coffee and did the same, and we walked over to Uutela.

"Put your hand in your hair and look down", I told Emilia while taking B&W photos of her in the forest.
"We're so pretentious", Emilia giggled as she looked up and walked over. "Show me the photos". I did as asked and Emilia clapped a hand on her mouth and squealed. I smiled.
"You seem happy", I said. Emilia nodded.
"I feel happy", she said. "For the first time in a while, actually. At least I think I do".
"That's great!" I said and smiled widely, and Emilia smiled back. "How much of this forest do you actually know?" I asked.
"Not much", Emilia replied.
"Do you wanna go on an adventure?" I asked and stuck my hand out beside me. Emilia smiled and took my hand and we started walking deeper into the forest.
We got quite deep into the forest before we emerged at a rocky beach next to the harbour. We found a big rock and sat down. Emilia rested her head on my shoulder.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"I think so", Emilia asked.
"I wonder what it's like to be on one of those boats", I said and nodded to a cargo boat leaving the harbour.
"Yeah. It'd be nice to go all the way across the Atlantic. Nothing but sea for miles", Emilia replied.
"Wouldn't you go crazy?" I said.
"I don't really care", Emilia replied.
"I wouldn't wanna go crazy", I said. Emilia laughed briefly.
"You should give it a go, I think", Emilia said.
"What the fuck does that even mean?" I asked and laughed.
"Hey, we're pretentious hipsters, aren't we?" Emilia said. I grinned and suddenly yelped as I fell off the rock. Then everything was painful and wet, and I heard Emilia laughing. I rose up, which hurt my sides a lot.
"Oh god, are you okay?" Emilia asked through giggles.
"I mean, I think so", I said. "I may have broken a bone".
"Should we take you back home?" Emilia suggested.
"Yeah, probably", I agreed, and we walked out of the forest and took the metro back to Kamppi.

I got home and opened my phone. I had... quite a few messages from Charlie.

Charlie: fucking hell im feeling suicidal again
Charlie: i just wanna die
Charlie: fuck

Charlie: im sorry to bother you
Charlie: i feel like youre the only person i can talk to
Charlie: im so sorry

Charlie: are you there

Charlie: i cut myself again

Nononono, not this again.

Me: Hey
Me: I'm here
Me: *cuddles*
Me: What's wrong?
Me: I mean I know what's wrong but did something happen?

Charlie: i dont know i just wanna die

Me: Well hey, don't die. Please don't
Me: I love you lots and I want to get to know more about you and I want to be a better friend for you, so please don't die. Okay?

Charlie: can we just
Charlie: like
Charlie: talk
Charlie: about anything else than death and self harm

Me: Okay, sure
Me: But hold on
Me: Are the cuts deep?

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