The 2nd of March, 2016

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I woke up after two hours of sleep in a pool of sweat. I was panicking. Charlie hadn't been answering my messages for two days straight.

Emilia noticed I was a lot more silent and pale and fidgety than usual at school, so she asked what was wrong. "I hope you haven't hit your head, too", she tried to joke, but said it so quietly it sounded too serious. She looked down.

"I'm worried. My friend hasn't been answering my messages for two days now", I said.

"Maybe there's been a powercut?" Emilia suggested.

I thought about it for a while before nodding. "I guess that's probably what's happened", I agreed.

"Daniel", my maths teacher said and I snapped my head up towards him. "With the information given, can you solve this equation?"

Shit. I hadn't been paying attention at all. I was too busy being worried about Charlie. "I, uh, I don't know", I said quietly, and the maths teacher answered for me.

After school all I could do, really, was pace around my room and check my phone. I was still worried about Charlie. Was he ignoring me? Had something happened?

The day went by very quickly while I thought about this, and I eventually tried to get some sleep. "He'll answer tomorrow", I told myself before finally falling asleep at 3AM.

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