The 26th of April, 2016

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I was Skyping Charlie at midnight from my room.

"I only have, like, a month left of school", I told Charlie.

"Nice", he replied.

"Are you looking forward to the summer?" I asked.

"Eh, I don't really have anything to do", Charlie answered.

"No holidays or anything?" I questioned further.

"Nah, nothing", Charlie replied.

"You could come to Finland", I said and blushed quickly.

"I don't know if my dad would like that", Charlie said.

"What do you need your dad for?" I asked.

"Well he has the most money and he's always the one to pay for our holidays", I replied. "But he wouldn't like the whole family going to Finland to see a boy".

"Couldn't your mum organize it?" I asked.

"My dad would demand to go too. I don't think he'd let us go on our own", Charlie said.

"He can't stop you", I said.

"Well, technically he can", Charlie replied. "It's just that we're scared of what he'll do to us if we leave without his permission".

"What would he do?" I asked.

"Something bad", Charlie replied. "He's actually really fucking scary".

"I'm so sorry", was all I could say.

"It's ok", Charlie replied.

"Maybe you could move to Finland?" I asked. Charlie snorted. "Or come here as an exchange student for a semester or something?"

"That would be awesome indeed, but I don't think we'd have the money for that", Charlie said.

"Hmm", I thought. "That sucks".

"It does", Charlie agreed.

"Could you fly here on your own?" I asked.

"I think", Charlie replied.

"You could stay at my house. It wouldn't cost you anything", I suggested.

"That could work", Charlie thought. "But, like, what if my dad does something to my mum because of it? Or what if he flies over himself and finds me? And he does have part custody of me, so I'd probably need his permission or something, which I definitely wouldn't get".

"So your mum can try getting full custody of you?" I suggested.

"We've tried", Charlie sighed. "He's abused both of us so much but we don't have any proof".

"Hide cameras in the house. Next time he abuses you, you'll have it recorded", I suggested.

"But where to get the cameras?" Charlie asked.

"Ask your mum", I suggested. "I'm pretty sure she'd be more than willing to help".

"I can try", Charlie said.

"Yeah", I replied.

"Thanks so much, by the way", Charlie said. "It's nice that you care enough to find solutions".

"It's absolutely no problem baby", I said.

"Did you just call me baby?" Charlie asked.

"I meant babe", I said and laughed.

"Sure you did", Charlie said sarcastically, with a smile across his lips. I laughed a bit more.

"Shut up, you", I said and smiled at him.

"Never", Charlie said, refraining on the word.

"It's getting incredibly late", I said. "I should probably go to sleep".

"Okay babe", Charlie said. "Goodnight. I love you".

"I love you too", I said and closed the Skype app and went to bed.

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