The 20th of June, 2016

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We were lying down on my sofa, our heads at separate ends and our legs intertwined. We were both on our phones while the TV was on. Because, you know, someone has to keep up the teenager stereotypes.

I caught Charlie looking over at me and looking down and smiling quite a few times. I guess I was doing the same.

"You're a really good kisser did I ever tell you that?" Charlie said.

"Yeah you actually did", I said. I giggled. "Thanks".

"No problemo boblemo", Charlie replied.

"What the fuck is a boblemo", I asked.

"Don't make fun of boblemo, he has a serious problemo", Charlie said. I laughed.

"What is the problemo?" I asked.

"Boblemo has a problemo in his cocklemo", Charlie replied. We both laughed for a bit, and then there was a silence between us. It wasn't an awkward one, but Charlie looked a bit worried about something. I leaned over to him and asked if something was wrong.

"I kind of want to have sex with you", Charlie said. I was quite surprised and taken aback by this. Charlie was red like a tomato. I snorted.

"Sorry, what?" I asked, chuckling.

"You're really hot and I want you to", Charlie started, and paused. "Fuck me". His face was buried between his legs.

"Um, do you have a condom?" I asked.

There was a long silence, until I heard Charlie squeak: "Yes".

"Well let's go then", I said and stood up, and Charlie sheepishly followed me into my room.

"I've never done this before", Charlie said.

"I think it's just like, blowjob, assfucking, orgasm, and then the cuddles", I replied. Charlie started laughing. I could see he was scared. So was I.

"Um ok I guess", Charlie said.

"So then. Take off your clothes", I said. "And then also take down my pants and suck my cock". We both started laughing hysterically. I was trembling, though.

The rest of the sex went pretty much like that. Putting on the condom was awkward, the blowjob was awkward -but maybe that was just because I decided to do the macarena, and Charlie couldn't stop laughing-, the sex itself wasn't that awkward. The moaning was hot and it felt really really good. We kept on making each other laugh, and had to stop to calm down a couple times, but it was fun. It was a fun sex.

Afterwards, we cuddled. Naked. In my bed. Completely red. It was both of our first times, but it was incredibly fun.

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