wedding morning

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"I, Harry Edward Styles take you, Eleanor De Suaveterre, to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully through the best and the worst; through the difficult and the easy. Whatever may come, I will always be there, as I have given you my hand to hold. I give you my life to keep. So help me God." 

Eleanor's POV

When I was a little girl, my dad used to tell me that I was meant to be a princess. He told me that I would grow up to rule over my own kingdom. I would serve my people with grace and care, and everyone would love me.

That was until today; the day of my wedding - a marriage I was already dreading. I looked up at the ceiling of my room hoping that it would take my mind off the constant knocking at the door. Whoever it was must have given up because I hear sound of the door opening. I close my eyes and take a deep a breath.

"Eleanor, my love, it's time," my nan, Alice, murmurs as she makes her way over to my window and pulla the blinds. I roll my head to the side and look at her.

She offers a sad smile and caresses my cheek softly with a trembling hand.

"I'm not ready, Nan," I mumble.

"Of course you aren't, Eleanor. I agree with you, but your family needs this," she reminds me with sadness in her voice.

I sigh once more and finally sit up in my bed. I feel the crisp, cold air coming in through the open windows on my bare legs. Goosebumps rise on my skin, but I can't be bothered to cover them. Alice notices and immediately covers me with my blanket.

"Come on, my sweet beautiful girl, where's that smile I adore so much?" she coos, attempting to make me smile. It works but only half-heartedly. I feel my left cheek pull up a bit, but almost immediately it falls back into place.

"You know my love, I'm so proud of you. This isn't something you want to do, but you're putting on a brave face out of love for your family," she praises me.

I feel my lower lip tremble and fight back the stinging in my eyes.

"Do you even know how heartbroken I am? This will be the first time I swear to God to love a man forever and it will be a lie! I'm going against my morals! And the only thing helping me to cope is the fact that I know I'm helping my family," I sniff.

"You know how I've always said that God watches everything and everyone?" she asks. I nod, wiping away the tears brimming in her eyes. Crying makes my eyes puffy and I know that the makeup artist my mom hired for today will be annoyed if she has to cover that up.

"Well, He also sees acts of love and kindness. He knows why you're doing this because He knows your heart, sweet Eleanor. I'm sure He is reasonable with forgiveness."

Her words make me feel better instantly. One of the many reasons why I love my Nan so dearly is the motherly aura she exudes. She always knows what to say to calm me. I love my mother as well, but Nan has always been there for me as my number one supporter. I smile; pulling her into a hug, then push the covers off. My camisole hikes up a bit so I grab the robe on the edge of my bed to cover myself.

"What do you think of Harry?" she asks suddenly.

"I've only met him twice I think, Nan. But he seems very serious and quiet," I confess. "And it's not like we talked much then either. Well, not much beyond a "hello" and all he did was nod in response."

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