now you know

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"How long has this been going on?
You've been creeping 'round on me
While you're calling me baby
How long has this been going on?
You've been acting so shady
I've been feeling it lately, baby
How long has this been going on, baby?
You gotta go tell me now."

Eleanor's POV

Ever since Rose left the house things haven't been the same. It wasn't an outright difference that you could notice but if you lived here, you could feel it. There is something different about Harry but I can't put my finger on it either. He looks the same and talks the same, but he just wasn't himself. He hasn't done anything to cause me alarm so I just left it for the time being.

We started going out to events together again to make sure we kept up with the image as a happily married couple. My feelings for Harry hadn't changed nor have they progressed. It wasn't for lack of effort on my part but I don't know if I could say the same for him. Most days I felt like Harry was just looking right through me rather than at me. As if he was staring at the ghost of someone behind me. I don't want to say Rose leaving has been the cause of all this but it certainly all started then.

I place my bible down, not being able to concentrate on my study for today. I sigh with frustration for having this feeling that suddenly everything was going to blow up in my face - especially when I don't know what it is. There was a particular verse that came to me in a dream. I had it stuck to me since last week and I didn't know what to make of it.

Jeremiah 12:6

"For even your brothers and the household of your father, Even they have dealt treacherously with you, Even they have cried aloud after you. Do not believe them, although they may say nice things to you."

What I basically get from that is that my own family has betrayed me, yet I don't see how. I get off and out off the table chair to head into the study with Harry. It is not possible that not too long ago we could go to each other for things while now awkwardness looms over us. I am so much better now so walking normal paces or climbing the stairs doesn't affect me as much. I knock twice on the door of his study but there is no reply. I frown knocking once more before opening the door slightly and seeing Harry peering over his desk at something. It was an open bag containing white powdery stuff, almost like canned sugar but I'm not so naive as to thank that. Harry slams his fist on the table with such angered force. I cover my mouth not letting my gasp be heard aloud.

"This shit isn't pure, Calum. I don't know who you had cut this but it's fucking trash and now I have nearly twelve tons of it that will go to waste basically. You know how much money that is? Nearly a billion and a shit load of angry customers." He seethes into the phone. I watch as his facial muscles clench to whatever Calum is saying. I'm assuming it isn't good because he yells in frustration and then slams his phone on the desk. You can hear how the impact cracks his screen but it doesn't seem to bother him. Why would it? When he makes almost a million a day.

I do the smart thing and walk away. I am nearly tip-toeing to not make noise when I hear a voice. A gasp escapes my lips.

"What are you doing, Eleanor?" Harry asks making me freeze mid-step. I don't even dare to breathe with all the dread in me.

"I am checking up on you to see if you want to do something, but I heard you on the phone so I didn't bother." I answer, trying to keep a believable expression on my face. Harry seems wary, like he wants to believe what I say but he can tell something was off. I offer a friendly soft smile in hope to win him over and it seems to do the trick.

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