fight or flight (M)

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"Can't keep my hands to myself, No matter how hard I'm trying to, I want you all to myself, Your metaphorical gin and juice."

Harry's POV

I was looking forward to flying out to Hawaii for the "honeymoon". Eleanor needs to hurry up and get ready so we can get out of here. The party has been over for an hour or so, but we headed back to my house to get our luggage before going to the airport. My eyes almost flew out of their sockets when I saw how many bags she was bringing - nearly four, but she has a carry-on with her.

I changed into simple black pants and a shirt covered with palm trees. Got to represent, right? Plus, I only packed two bags for our week-long getaway. Our parents thought we could use this time to get to know each other and become used to acting like a married couple in the eyes of the public.

A knock sounds at my door and Gemma’s head peaks around the door.

"Dad says that Eleanor is waiting for you downstairs," she informs me, not moving away from the door.

"Okay. Give me a hand with the luggage, will you?" I ask her, standing up off the bed and moving towards where my bags are.

However, before I could reach them, Gemma comes at me with arms wide up open and engulfs me into a hug. I'm caught off guard so my first response is to tense up. Then, seconds later, I relax into her hug and wrap my arms around her shoulders, holding her close to me.

"Take care of yourself Harry and be nice to the girl, please? She's really sweet and kind," Gemma mumbles.

"I always watch out for myself, Gems. Don't worry love," I say, ignoring the second part of what she said.

We hug for another second before pulling away. Gemma looks me over before laughing slightly. I make this weird, frowning face and smile at her.

"Can I know what's so funny?" I ask her.

"I'm trying to wrap my head around you being a 'married man' and it just baffles me, I guess," she explains.

"It's not a real marriage and you know that Gemma," I respond, suddenly feeling slight annoyance towards her now.

"I have to see it as a real marriage, Harry. For everyone who doesn't know it, I have to. So let me just believe it for right now," she mutters, grabbing one of my bags and motioning for us to leave.

I grab the last one and follow her. I take one last look at my bedroom before closing the door. When we return from Hawaii, we will live in the house my parents bought for us. It's a decent sized "sort of" mansion, along the coast of Westchester. There's access to the beach from the backyard and I’m really looking forward to that.

I can see Eleanor saying her goodbyes as I make my way down the stairs. She's hugging her friends a few other guys. Our parents are watching the whole ordeal from the side. I reach the bottom of the steps and the service people run up to take my luggage from Gemma and I.

Eleanor sniffles and there are tears in her eyes. I can hear the girls telling her it's going to be alright and that they will still keep in touch. I try really hard not to snap at her to hurry up because, after this, we won't have time to see anyone else besides each other. Married couples, especially newlyweds, are supposed to be so infatuated with each other that the only person they want to be with or see for the next couple of months is their partner. So, for a good three to four months, it'll only be Eleanor and I. How could I deny her this moment with her friends?

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