the contract

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"It's obvious you're meant for me
Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly
Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep
But I'll never show it on my face
But we know this.
We got a love that is homeless."

Eleanor’s POV

I don’t know how to act around Harry now. We have a few minutes before returning to the house in New York. Our parents didn't know we were together so we have to pretend we weren't. 

I don’t know how I am going to do that. Not holding hands; not kissing. I have to act like when we first met. I have to act as if I am still the miserable girl that got married at a young age. How do I act as if I never gave Harry the most important piece of me? 

Ever since we landed from Paris it was like Harry went into this automatic anti-me mode. I mean, he still shows that he is with me but he could act as if he isn’t; like if I didn't mean anything to him. I
want to believe he's a good actor but Harry does it too well.

I try not to take it to heart but something always feels off with Harry. It does and I don’t know how to deal with it. 

"Penny for your thoughts, love?" Harry interrupts my thoughts. I look at him. We are driving back from the airport and soon we'd be facing both of our parents.

"Nothing, just thinking." I murmur ,offering a small smile.

"About what?" he asks, licking his lower lip.

"Paris." I say quickly so I wouldn't blurt out what I was really thinking.

"I hope you had a good time," Harry says with a smile.

"Did you?" I ask back.

"I was with you. So of course, yes." Harry nods.

"I wish we could go back." I sigh.

"To Paris? Why?”  

"To live there. I love Paris, it feels much better when I'm there than in New York," I confess.

"I would go back to live in London. That's more my scenery," Harry chuckles.

"I've been to London - too cloudy and gray for my taste." I shake my head smiling at him.

"That's why it's perfect for me. Suits my mood." Harry teases. We smile at each other in that moment. Harry stops the car when we reach the gates to the house.

"What are you doing?" I ask him. He just turned the car off for no reason and is just sitting there looking at me.

"I'm going to kiss you now. Because once we're inside we can't give away that we are together-together," Harry murmurs leaning towards me. I catch his drift right away taking off my seatbelt so that we could be closer.

When our lips touch it is like as if I had been starving myself of air. I instantly want more and I can tell Harry does too. I moan when his hand reached down in between us to cup my ass. He roughly pulls me to him until I am sitting firmly on his lap. I reach on the side to pull the rod so that the seat would go back a bit. 

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