only we feel (M)

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"You know just how to make my heart beat faster
Emotional earthquake, bring on disaster
You hit me head-on, got me weak in my knees
Yeah, something inside me's changed
I was so much younger yesterday, ye-eah
So much younger yesterday, oh, yeah."

Harry’s POV

I want to rip his head off. I really will if he doesn’t get out of my house fast enough. Desmond's visits are always dreadful and now, with this news, it’s even worse. I have all this rage built up inside of me that I need to get rid of somehow. 

"Harry, I trust you'll let me know whenever you leave the country with my Eleanor again?" Clarissa murmurs as we are all making our way to the front door. Desmond, like always, is in front talking to Eleanor's father.

"I don't have time to make those calls myself but I can let Eleanor call you,” I answer annoyed. I wasn't anyone's babysitter; much less my wife's.

"I'd appreciate it Harry, thank you. Take care of yourself," Clarissa smiles at me and I return it as nicely as possible. Eleanor's dad offers me a small wave before walking out the door. I watch as they both greet Eleanor. I focus on Eleanor studying her expressions with her family. I notice there is longing and sadness behind the smile she gives her parents.

I feel sad about the fact that her parents didn't really talk to her. Or even asked how she was doing after all this time. For god sakes, Eleanor married me to help them out and they can't even pretend to be parents for her sake.

Eleanor shuts the door behind Desmond before turning to look at me. She smiles softly before walking past me and up the stairs. I turn to follow her but she had already made it to the top when I was barely at the bottom. I make my way up heading towards our room. When I enter I see her lying on our bed laying face down. I go over to her sitting on the edge of the bed near her legs.

"Want to talk about it?" I offer, hoping for a no so I could just make my way out of here. I hate emotional talk but I have to make the effort so Elle knows I am trying.

"Do you really want to sit here and listen?" Eleanor asks.

"Not really but I care about you and I care about your feelings, so I'm here," I answer truthfully, making sure to sound supportive.

"Lay down next to me. I don't really feel like talking," Eleanor sighs. I throw myself back getting comfortable to look at her. She smiles softly at me before leaning over closing the space between us. Eleanor places her head on my chest and wraps an arm around my waist. I am surprised at myself for not flinching this time. I am used to her touch, even welcoming it, wanting more.

I run a hand into her hair to bring her close to me. I breathe in her scent, softly cherishing the smell of strawberries and for some reason the after smell of rain. I could probably lay here forever next to Eleanor if the world was a perfect place. We just lie there until eventually Eleanor falls asleep. I bet the travelling finally caught up to her.  

I know it did to me too because I fell asleep too soon after.


The next morning I wake up alone in the bed. Immediately my hand searches for Elle but she isn't in bed. 

"Eleanor?" I call out sitting up. I look in the direction of the bathroom and closet only to find none were being used. Not knowing where she is gives me an uneasy anxious feeling. My body is wide awake now as I jump out of bed heading towards the bathroom in order to brush my teeth hastily. I still have my suit on from last night. I don't bother changing, walking out immediately after I'm done.

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