not a bad girl

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"I can taste it in on your mouth
And I can't leave it
You're a freak like me
Can't you see?
We can work this something out
And I'm believin'
You get off on me
It's like cheating."

Harry's P.O.V

I've don’t want anything more than to stay on this island with Eleanor. This past week has been the most stress-free and relaxing days of my life.

I hang out with Eleanor a lot more now than I did before. We talked a lot and in a way we are friends now, I guess. One thing is sure and that is that every night we come a little closer to finally doing it.

Every time is more and more nervewrecking for me. Watching her come undone from my touch. Hearing her moan my name. Wrestling in the sheets while we fight for dominance. Because, yes, Eleanor likes to take over sometimes but I wasn't having it. In the bedroom I dominated point blank.

It's confusing because I only wanted to get into her pants at first. But the more I talked with Eleanor, the more I found things I liked about her.

She is very girly. At first it was annoying but then I came to be okay with it. Eleanor likes to be playful and always smiles or laughs at something. It makes me like being around her because her mood just seems to pass on to me. The other day we went snorkelling with dolphins and watching her laugh and enjoy herself gave me pleasure. She should always have that in her life. Not next to someone like me. Hopefully, when all of this is over, she'll find someone that will provide all of that for her. Sometimes I wish I could be that person. Someone that was perfect for her in every sense.

But I would only be lying to myself. One can't change who you are or the things from your past. If I was talking in a literal sense, I don't deserve Eleanor. The kind of person I am and the kind of person she is? I'd rather spare her that misfortune. But it's not like she's expressed any interest like that in me.

Physically I suppose she has, but we've already set our boundaries.

"Harry, can you help me with this please?" Eleanor calls me from the kitchen. It was our last night here before we head back to the city. So she insisted on making dinner for us.

I close my laptop to go see what Eleanor needs me for. Once in the kitchen I notice that everything is spotless whilst she is cooking. That's a first. Aren't kitchens supposed to be messy?

"You're a clean cook," I comment. She is stirring something in a pan smiling softly before looking over to me.

"I'm a little OCD," she murmurs.

"Explains a lot." I raise my eyebrows. She looks over at me and scowls.

"Shut up and help me!" Eleanor rolls her eyes.

"I'm not much of a cook to be honest," I confess, looking warily at her.

"Don't worry I'm not going to make you cook a gourmet meal! Just rinse the noodles and then douche them with the stuff in the bowl please," she explains, handing me a pan with piping hot noodles.

I do as Eleanor asked me to do. As I am busy sautéing the noodles with the buttery stuff she made, I feel her arms circle around my waist. I try not to react but I can’t help the goose bumps forming on my arms.

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