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"Hey who are you? What are you doing at our room" a mystery voice said. I suddenly turn around to look who is it, then.....

Its Shane!!, I've known her before shes one of Maine's bff. "Hello Shane" I greeted her. She greet me back and look shock to saw me here.

"Ah well as you can see I am just lookingon whose those inside because were just in other room and....."

"Oh well I'm sorry guy, long time no see!!. I can now understand, but what brings you here? I thought your more successful now ah!" -Shane

"Well as you can see just wondering around, but are you busy today? can you spare some conversations with me? Its really been a long time with me?".

She accepted my invitation for a  conversation. We went to a private room just near us. I ask her about Maine, on what happen to her after she decided to left showbiz, and ofcoarse me.

"At first she really suffered alot, I dont know if until now but I can see her improvement, shes enjoying her work . We hung out often to alwayschecked her and to make sure shes fine" -Shane

I was so happy hearing that shes adjusting already.

forwarding ⏬


I notice that Shane didnt come back yet since she left so I decided to look for her. I was about to go outside when I see her coming in from outside. I walked toward her.

"Hey! What took you so long!" I asked.
" I just encounter a friend of mine outside" -Shane

Shes bluffering so I can say shes hiding something from me but I just decided to let it go and nevermimd at all.

After the singing session, were all already drunk and so we decided to went home already.

We went outside our room and I got surprise when I see someone there.

"Alden?" I am not sure because I got blur sight then after I saw him i suddenly fell.....


before Maine went outside

" Oh Alden! your here also?". I was faking my surprise emotion.
The next thing is all of them already went out.. Maine is the most drunk of us. I can see her surprise when she saw Alden there.

Then suddenly Maine collapse, maybe out of drunkness and Alden catch her.. Shes laying on Alden's chest and I can see how happy Alden was that time..

I ask him a favour " Can you find her a place to sleep? I swear she cant go home right now and she's already asleep to still take a long ride".

"Is your place just near here?" I ask with a teasing face. "Well Jane already agreed at my plan as well as Kein. You know we cant bring her with us now since were also drunk already our driver would picked us ASAP too and if her parents found out that she got drunk she might got punish also so if you help us I will do something to cover her up, so dont worry"

"Well ok, I will take good care of her" -Alden reply.


the next thing I remember is me laying down in a bed, but why is this place so unfamiliar to me?. I went down stair and I was surprise Alden was there?. Then I remember before I become unconcious I saw him! but...wait...dont tell me.... OMG... Maine....

"Good Morning" I got surprise by the sudden greetings he did. But i just roll my eyes and decided to went up stair again and started to picked my belongings.

Why of all thing I went here?Why I was here? What am I doing here? I'm avoiding him then suddenly I'm in his house? ! oh em gee Maine pick up and leave immediately before you acct weirdly again.

I miss him and I do really want to hug him right now but I must compose myself and control it. I was about to leave " Thank You, Bye" that was the thing I did before I was about to left...


I greeted her but she didnt response and just went back. The next thing is I saw her with her things, Is she leaving?.

I miss her so much and knowing she would leave again I couldnt control myself so I stop her

I hugged her from back and spare her to stay..


To Love You Was The Greatest Thing I Do [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now