Only You

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Elimination Day......

All the candidares wears a different attractive dress aside from Maine.

Maine just wait a simple yellow bestida and her favourite black sandals.

And again Alden starts to look at them on face. The longest stare was for Maine, she had her head down and seems like doesnt care of whay would just happen because she knows she already got secured of these elimination day.

But to her surprise Alden start walking at her direction and giving her a piece of red rose. She smiled and accept it.

She thought thats it but no its not. Alden didn't even look at other candidate and just stay in his position.

He handed her another piece of red rose and look at other candidate which is in state of shock.

Well what shock them more is when he's giving her the last piece. All the contestant walk out and Maine just froze standing in front of him.

The host then show a big smile and announce his choice. He escort her in the front and they end the shoot.

After the shoot she hurriedly walk at the parking lot. Alden keep on shouting her name but she didn't listen to it.

Alden grab her hand when he finally got her. He pulled her and hugged her "I miss you". He whisper to her ears

They stayed at that position at a couple of minutes. Until Maine let go first "What is it these time?" She frankly ask..

"I cant deal with them anymore. All I want to be with is to be with you" Alden

"What do you mean?" Maine

"Maine I waited for you a long time and I got crazy each day that I didnt have seen your smile. I hold that promise which we made before. But I dont understand why you become cold to me now. Do you forget about it already?"

"Ofcoarse not but I know you already give up on that because you already found someone else. So why are you still doing these to me?

( they were both crying now)

"Because your the one I love. Your name is what my heart keeps shouting. I endure it for years. Wait lets go its not the appropriate place to talk of these matter lets go somewhere else" Alden

( just before other people notice them and before Maine complain Alden already pulled her of his car)

"Where are we going? Its enough no more to talk to" (Maine is angry at the same time in pain)

(Maine was about to go off his car but he already shut the whole lock of the car and put seatbelt in her and drive fastly. Maine just froze in her position and left speechless. Their whole ride was filled with silence none of both side wants to open a conversation first. Alden stare at her direction most of the time then he realize that Maine already fell asleep)

They arrive at the location...

It was a place near the lake, peaceful place and good surrounding to talk in private. Just after they arrive Maine already awake

"Where are we?" Maine
"hmm.... lets get out first" Alden

( As a act of being gentleman Alden open the car door for Maine and assist her going out of it)

They walk near the place and start their conversation again...

"It was refreshing to be here" Maine
"True it really makes my feeling at ease just being here" Alden
"So tell me why did you bought me here?" Maine
"For us to have a serious talk about us" Alden

"Den for how many times do I have to clear myself?"
"Meng/Maine let me finish my cutted confession earlier ok?"
" You know what no matter what they say I wouldn't care because all what I'm hearing is my heart which keeps on beating so fast strangely. But Whenever I saw you that all I fell, Whenever I saw your smile, laugh, your beautiful face or in short when ever I see you" Alden

Maine is speechless but their conversation got cutted when both of them got a call......


To Love You Was The Greatest Thing I Do [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now