Couple Making

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I got invitation to join the cast of new show called "couple making". Couple Making is type of entertainment which where there is 1 mister perfect guy and he was assign to choose from 5 single contestant and if he already decided which one would he choose he must give her a flower.

Alden got call from his manager.

"Hello Den? Are you busy today?"
"Hello? Not so why?"
"Please come here in our office for while"
"Ok be there"

At their office....

" You got a new offer to be the perfect guy in new show called "Couple Making. He said he will think of it but he suddenly look at the review of the contestant profile. He notice a picture of a mystery woman who would also be part of the show. They have her info's but there something lack at it so he decided to take the role.

Presscon day....

They were all there except for the mystery woman which is really so unknown because she doesnt have profile at the profile background she saw.

Then suddenly a woman walks toward them..

Its Maine!!

"Oh shes here now, lets start the presscon"

All over the presscon Alden is so noticable that he keep on staring at Maine and can't believe she's really a part of the show. Well it motivate him as well. It would be the best chance for him to show, proved and care for her.

But the things is they're sitting right through each other and so he can't hide his smile all the time.

Maine notice it and she got surprise too but she didn't show it. She pocus on the presscon and promotion of the show.

After the presscon....

Maine was about to go but Alden called her. "Hey" -Alden

"So were gonna be a together for shoots" -Alden

"I guess so" -Maine

"Ok have to go now" -Maine

"Ok bye!" -Alden


maybe shes busy now I should understand her well its also her comeback! I must be happy now that were be together again .


It was really close! I do still wanted to have convos with him but my heart was about to burst knowing were together at the show? damn! why didn't someone oriented me?

6 days later

First shoot opening

"Ok standby... one, two, three, cue" -Director

"Oh Hello everyone these is MC Shane (yes shes the MC the production request for her) and because its summer time its also time to feel love. This is the "Couple Making"." -Shane

"Ok let's start there is one mystery perfect guy at the back and his waiting for his right one so the rules is he would take first impression on each of the contestant and give roses to the person who would capture is heart" -Shane

"Ok lets welcome him now... Perfect guy please come out" -Shane

the people around them keep shouting "Maine! Maine" as soon as Alden shown up. Its obvious that they are MaiDen shipper.

"So Mr. Alden Richards you may now choose between those 5 ladies and eliminate who you dont like. You have 4 roses in front of you" -Shane

Alden keep smiling and he was planning on giving the four roses at Maine directly but he still wanted to make the show longer. He choose, Anne, Angel, Minha, Maine and left Shaina eliminated.

All of them seems seducing Alden except for Maine, she just smile abit and stand there calmly but that gesture makes more attraction to him.

"Ok those lucky girls who got choosen please step forward"

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