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The next day morning Maine got surprise when she got a visitor. It was Alden with a boquet of flower at his hand. That time Maine was baking a cookies. Since shes baking ahe has no time to entertain him and so she just let him go inside her house and went back from what shes doing.

Alden followed her and watch her while shes baking cookies.

Without Maine's knowledge Alden made closer at her and he hugged her while asking if he could do anything to help her. She got surprise by what Alden is doing.

"Can you please just let me done my work?" -Maine

"Why? Can you do it while were in these position?" -Alden

"I cant!, I'm already distracted you know?" -Maine

"Why? Why are you distracted?" -Alden

"Because of you" -Maine. Shes blushing.

"basta let promise mo you already forgive me ah" -Alden

"What do you mean" -Maine

"What I mean is about what happen before.." -Alden

"Are you crazy.. do you even get chance to say that kind of words to me?. You know what that is the reason I leave my most treasure ultimate dream, just all because of you" -Maine

"I know I know. But please give me chance, I will do my best for you to forgive me" - Alden

"You know these is the last day for me here I would return to Philippines tommorow" -Maine

"Are we on same plane again? the sched of my return is tommorow also" -Alden

"Well great I will ask for extend of my vacation here" -Maine


I will do my best for him to stop bothering me anymore. I'm trying my best but if he would be like these always then I am so afraid my heart would fall for him again.

"Then I will do my best, I will do everything just so I would prove my sincerity. I will call my manager now that I would rest for bit and stay here more longer" - Alden

"Dont dare you dont know....". I said. Please, just Please Alden enough i am crying deep inside I'm afraid to fall again.

" But then just please if you dont want then talk to them..." -Alden. Suddenly he call someone and I heard a familiar voice.

"Hello tisoy? Oh ano kamusta?" -mystery voice. oh em gee!! its Miss A voice I miss them so much. Suddenly a tears start falling in my eyes and Alden said " Now tell me Maine would you return or not?.

"Hello uy Alden kasama mo ba si Menggay dyan?"

"Opo Miss A"

"Pwede ko ba syang makausap?"

"Sige po"

inabot skin ni Alden ung cellphone nya...

" Hello Menggay nandyan ka ba talaga? Uy! kelan ka ba babalik? miss kana nming lahat! miss na namin u makulit na yaya na nagpapasaya samin lagi"

"Hello po Miss A!! opo nandito po ako. I miss you too all alot, I miss your cheerful shout again, soon Miss A I would definitely back when I went back at Philippines". Ghad my tears keeps on falling, I cant help it I miss them so much as well as my family. Then suddenly one cute voice I heard over the phone

"Hello yaya dub" -Baste

"Baste ikaw na ba yan? cute pa din ng voice mo ah" -Maine

" ate Maine kelan mo po ba kami bibisitahin uli dito?" -Baste

I suddenly hung it up because I cant help it anymore, I can heard them crying also and if i continue hearing their voices I would just burst in tears more.....

Alden walk near me...

"so tell me you decision now? they were all waiting for you to be back even me, but you know that I am sincere now promise" -Alden

He hugged for all what care, these is so magical and I dont want to end it anymore, but I dont know how to do so.

then our office call me

" Hello Ms. Maine Mendoza? your on duty tommorow flight morning back to Philippines, be prepared" -Agency

" Yes sir". I look at Alden and hes staring at me..



To Love You Was The Greatest Thing I Do [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now