The beautiful Ending

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Maine POV
Alam kong hanggang ngayon marami pa rin sa inyo ang naguguluhan sa nangyari sa amin pero isa lang ang totoo sa mga iyon, naging matatag kami at napatunayan namin na talagang mahal namin ang isa't isa.

Noong halos ikamatay ko na noong ilang buwan na ang nakakalipas at hindi pa siya nagigising at sinabi ng doktor na mababa na lang ang tiyansa niya para mabuhay.

Sobrang takot ko, I even wallowed myself in miserable. Buti na lang my children brought me back to reality. Kung wala ang mga anak ko panigurado I give up already.

I was so battered and I did daily routine almost the same. Its like I am too drain already and I forgot I still have my children waiting for me.

Celestine and Athena. My two lovely daughters. I mean our,I'm sure they missed their father so much and everyday I feel sorry for them that it seems like its not only their father who they lost, even their mother.

I become an irresponsible mother and I hate myself doing that to them but I cant even wake myself up.

Thankfully after few months of waiting a year to be exact actually, he finally wake up! My husband wake up from his long sleep. I couldnt think straight and all I can do is to go on his side and hug him so tight.

"Thank you! Thank you mahal for coming back to us" I said crying.

"Shhh, dont cry hon, ofcoarse I will, why I wouldnt?! Honestly I know I still had beautiful wife waiting for me" he joked.

After that he stated things he experience in his long dream. How his heart broke of the since that keeps flashing in his dream and how a failure he was back then. He's so cute that I could not help myself from pinching his cheeks because hes like a child who's so imotional just because he saw a bad monster in his dream. Hes f**cking crying right now.

And when is crying become this cute? Oh! God I swear I could never resisted the charm of Richard Faulkerson Jr.. My sun in my world, the rain that calms me and the trees who always warm me and give a hopes for me.

"I love you" I finally said.

"I love you too, hon" he replied sweetly, his eyes is beamed with happiness and contentment as he settled me in his arms.

"Daddy? Mommy?" Both of us got startled as we heard that voice.

After that we saw our children running towards us. Pouting

"Why are you both hugging without us?" Arent they so adorbs?. Like father ,like daughter, really.

"Sweetheart, I miss you! I am sorry we hug without you guys but now that your here can you give daddy a warm hug?

"Yes daddy" -Athena said. This... this is what we missed. I'm sure our children also.

Now that hes awake again, I am more sure that no one can bring us down, were together forever. No matter how far we go, how deep we've been though this relationship, us, together. I know I can do everything.


Something we come to realize that we want everything go as planned. But thats not possible, though god made plans for us even before, that doesnt mean that we cannot make our own future. How? Just how god works his plan if his man is not heling him. Everything is useless if you dont excert force or action. And trust ofcoarse and faith with those in life I know nothing is imposible ;)

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